Led by Hope | Teen Ink

Led by Hope

March 15, 2017
By Valentina.inspire BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Valentina.inspire BRONZE, Miami, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;In a gentle way, you can shake the world,&quot; <br /> Mahatma Ghandi

Cancer is a canvas painted by the strong. This is until it breeds inside someone. Only, someone is a loved one. Although, my Nonno believes in hope. He lives in two ways; one way is with desire for life; one way is in fear. Fear consumes him most of the time. A hypochondriac with cancer knows no serenity. And the surreptitious whispers of malignant cells kill. He dreadfully knows this. But somehow, he still fights something undeserved. Illness just barges in without knocking first. Some divine force supposedly predestined this life. We pray to whatever inflicted this on him. Still yet, faith and illness don't agree. At times, his subconscious mind
shrivels apart. Somehow, he stays strong for everyone else. Cancer's ego may be sanctimonious. But, my Nonno is a reminder of life's meaning. He is my symbol of true bravery.

The author's comments:

Inspiration comes in many different ways, shapes, and forms. It is up to us to decide how we want to channel our pain. My Nonno is the definition of a truly beautiful soul, and he is determined to continue fighting this battle.

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