How to Have a Nightmare | Teen Ink

How to Have a Nightmare

April 7, 2017
By Joey3824 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Joey3824 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments


A bucket full of clown masks
Arms fulls of scary movies
Cover to cover the window for not an inch of light in the room
Covers that don’t cover your feet
A heap of flashlights
A computer for scary stories


Go to the store and buy a bucket full of clown masks
Spread the masks around you room
Cover up all of the windows in the room
Use the flashlights to light up your face and read scary stories on your computer
Start watching a horror movie with your feet uncovered
Finish the movies and go to bed
Light up the clown masks in your room the the flashlights
Try to fall asleep and have a guaranteed nightmare

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