Near-Kiss | Teen Ink


June 1, 2017
By Brooke.0liver BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Brooke.0liver BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was two-thirty in the afternoon, the sky was bright with specks of white. Everyone had left to go home except the clubs that went on after school. Brooke, a mocha colored girl, 5’7 and a freshman, stayed after for a debate club meet that day. Walking around the hall with a guy she liked they talked about sweet nothings. He was around 6’1, masculine, caramel complexion, with stubble upon his chin. A  junior and  a sarcastic character  he was a part of JROTC which was why he stayed after school. They stopped near the entrance of an old dust-caked library stood aimlessly flirting. Books in her hand and a duffel bag in his, everything seemed to be perfect and a perfect moment to make his move…. or so he thought! Everything grew quiet and they stared into each other's eyes. He leaned forward slowly, maintaining eye contact with her. The world around them melted, everything moving in  lazily slow motion. Brooke, on the other hand, was driven  with energy as she quickly started  planning her escape.  Fear gripped her by the nostrils and told her that in fact she did not know how to kiss correctly and might screw up any chances with an older guy. As he leaned forward the  sexual tension and anxiety were  thick in the air and gravity seemed to weigh her, she knew what she had to do. She made like a banana and split!!! She bolted under his muscular arms and into the old library! As adrenaline pumped her veins she could hear him behind her calling her name but she didn't stop! When she did he told her that they would talk about their near-kiss tomorrow. Success, Victory, and regret were hers.

The author's comments:

This was for my cretive writing class and its just a personal experience that s very amusing and very cringe-worthy

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