Eyes; Past, Present, Future | Teen Ink

Eyes; Past, Present, Future

March 9, 2018
By vrose18 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
vrose18 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My family was gifted with blue eyes. My grandma started this chain of beauty. Her eyes like two oceans. Blue and blossoming with emotion.My mom’s filled with love and anticipation as she sees my brother and I grow. Grow we do, and so do our eyes. My brothers started out as light as the Bora Bora waters. Turquoise. As big as the galaxy.
Mine are different. Different in the way they change color like the seasons. In the light they are a clear, light blue. In the dark they turn into royal blues that appear in the iris. As dark as the deep blue sea. At times they turn a green hue. They are mysterious in the way they change. Changing from blue to dark blue to green. Blue, dark blue, green.

My eyes speak. They speak of stories still to come. They speak of the past and present. They tell others my emotions. Sometimes filled with water that spills over from time to time. Spilling over like a glass filled too full. Eyes that express love for my friends and boyfriend.

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