Heartbreak | Teen Ink


March 14, 2018
By LizaWild BRONZE, Vredendal, Other
LizaWild BRONZE, Vredendal, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever experienced heartbreak? The most excrutiating pain humans experience. It feels like your heart is being ripped and shredded into a thousand little pieces. And then ripped straight out of your ribcage. It burns and freezes you at the same time. It feels like your organs are being squeezed and squeezed until all life drains out of it. Dripping, oozing out of you. Ridding you of all that is you. Until all life drains out of you.Numb. Being a hollow shell of yourself. Wondering around, lifeless like a ghost. Heartbreak doesn't necessarily mean losing a boyfriend or girlfriend. To be honest, getting your heart broken by a friend, hurts more. It's suffocating. From the inside out. It's like an itch you just can't seem to scratch. At first it's like you don't believe it's happening. How? How can the person you trust the most, the person you adore, the that means the world to you, just turn around and walk away? Seeing that person, no seeing YOUR person turn their back on you... it feels horrendous. That pain, that hatred, that sorrow, that hurt, that sadness, just can't be explained. All the love and good memories and laughter and confidence, just ripped from right under you. Leaving you in the dark. Lonely. Lifeless. Dull. Broekn. You feel like you can't talk, can't breath. Can't. Can't anything. Then comes the million dollar advice - move on! And yes, it does take time. but when that person is your soulmate, you ?fight?. And yes, you do get friend soulmates. They might be making a mistake, so you wait for them to realize it. You wait for them. Be there when they need you. Be there even if they don't need you. Use that pain to make sure they don't ever have to feel that. Be your own light at the end of the tunnel and be others' light as well. guide yourself, guide others. Come alive again and come back better. Be better. Do better. Yes, it's excrutiating. Yes you'll cry, you'll shout and scream. You'll be angry, frustrated and irritated. But all of that, should push you forward, motivate you, drive you.

The author's comments:

I lost a friend. 

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