My Strange Baseball Season | Teen Ink

My Strange Baseball Season

November 19, 2020
By Anonymous

Over the summer, I was lucky enough not to have my baseball season cancelled. After everything that had happened earlier this year, my family and I didn’t think that there would be a chance that I would have my season, but i’m glad we were wrong. My teammates and I were beyond excited to hear this news because we were told by our coaches that there was almost a zero percent chance that we would be playing baseball until at least late summer.

Our first couple of practices were extremely sloppy because none of us had touched a baseball in almost three months. My teammates and I knew that this season would be much different than normal, so we didn't complain. We knew that we were lucky enough to be playing at all. Our coach had us practicing more and more every week, and this got us back in shape for the regular season. The first few games were a lot different than what we were used to. Most of them were played hours away from where we would usually play, probably due to Covid guidelines. We even got to play in Punxsutawney and Johnstown. The teams we played were not the ones we were used to either. Most of the teams that we played were much less experienced than us. I think that this is because some of the bigger organizations didn’t want to risk any sort of setback from Covid. 

We were able to play 35 games this season, but the highlight was definitely when we went down to South Carolina for our last tournament. Because we had done so good earlier in the season, we were able to qualify for this tournament. We were going to be down there for about two weeks; however, it was cut down to one week due to the incoming hurricane. The week went by in a blur, but my teammates and I enjoyed every second of it. This baseball season was much different than what we were all used to, but we made the most of it and turned it into one of the best seasons I have ever had the chance to play in.

The author's comments:

I have been playing baseball for 9 years and have never had a season like this.

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