Futból or Soccer | Teen Ink

Futból or Soccer

December 9, 2020
By Anonymous

Futból or Soccer

There are about 300 million soccer players in the world. Just imagine that number. I think people don’t really understand how much 1 million is. Competing with 1,000 people at a tryout is hard. But all over the world you're competing with over 200 million people.
The amount of people who play soccer is crazy but yet teens like me try to play the game. It’s the sport that many teens love and adore. And for many players it is the only way out. Many of the players of today were very poor people, but many don’t do it just for the money and fame they do it for the love of the sport. 

Many of the players such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar, Lionel Messi, were all poor. Their hunger for success is what made them push through. They strive for success and now they make tons of money not only because of their clubs paying them but because they also get endorsements.

I work pretty hard, train 4 times a week and do things outside of the sport such as work out, and I try to eat as healthy as possible. But I still wonder if it's enough to make it pro. I think of the competition of all of the soccer players in the world. Do they work harder? How much more do they work?

To put it into statistics, in the US less than three of fifty players that played high school soccer and went on to play in college made it pro. Just imagine, me I play club but to be noticed I have to keep good performances, good passing, good headering, good defence, good clearances, and not very many cards. Scouts look for all these things, they look for prolific players for the future of their clubs. 

Many players go to foreign countries where they believe they’ll have a better chance of making it pro. Here in the United States, in my opinion, it is harder to make it pro. Many people play the sport here, and there aren't many teams, there is only the MLS. 

In foreign countries, such as Germany they have multiple leagues all part of the Bundesliga, like if you’re in the third league you can ascend to the first league. So there is a higher chance of making it pro in my opinion. 

Many prolific players in countries have the talent, but once they have the talent they give up and they start to slowly descent until they go out on loan or a transfer. Many players also are overrated. A player like Giovani Dos Santos ruined his career by partying too much and taking advantage of his skill.

Many young players tend to start going to parties and doing other activities,being undisciplined. They don’t focus on the sport and eventually their performance is bad on the pitch and they end up losing a great career over other irrelevant things.

The point is that to go pro you must strive and sacrifice lots of things. Sometimes you have to stop doing things to get in that extra work. Put in work to the things that matter most. It may be hard because sometimes pros have to leave their country and their family and friends, but if they make it, in the end it’s all worth the sacrifice.

So if you wanna make it pro just think about the other hundreds of millions that want it just as much as you do. Work every day to hopefully make it one day.

The author's comments:

Talking about the sports industry and the world of soccer.

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