Ncaa Vs. Nba Basketball | Teen Ink

Ncaa Vs. Nba Basketball MAG

By Anonymous

   If you're lucky enough on any given night you can probably view a college or pro basketball game on your TV. I think college basketball is much better to watch than pro basketball. The only exception might be the NBA playoffs because that's when most of the pros play their hardest. Perhaps the reason some do this is that if they make it to the NBA Finals, they get a bonus in their paycheck. Other than that, I don't think most pro players give it their all. Some just seem to go through the motions. I am not saying all do this, but the majority do.

In college basketball, it seems all the players play their hardest. They go all out and play as if there is no tomorrow. The reason is that they are not getting paid and they want to represent their school with pride. I don't think half the NBA players care about their city. Another reason college players play hard is to impress their coach. Many NBA players could give a darn about what their coach thinks of them.

Another reason for the poor attitudes in the NBA is the amount of money the rookies are getting. It's ridiculous to pay a player $60 million dollars for 12 years when they haven't even played one minute in the NBA. This makes the player think he has nothing to prove and his work ethic fades away. It's not like the old days when Bird and Magic came into the League and got raises for winning games and championships. Sometimes when you watch a pro game you say to yourself "Does this player really care if his team wins?"

My conclusion is that if you want to watch some hustlin', slam dunkin' and trash talkin', turn on a college basketball game. Check out NCAA basketball! l

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on Jun. 10 2013 at 10:38 am
Stevenmotzisthefreakinman, Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania
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Everything grows has roots

I agree with you 100%. I think that college players try alot harder and care much more about there team. To me it looks like nba players Know what there getting payed and it doesnt matter to them if there team is bad. Its like they wait for everything to come to them. You can tell in the playoffs the play gets alot more physical and aggresive, and thats how college players play every game.

mikemiked said...
on Dec. 17 2010 at 10:42 am
i disagree!!

on Nov. 23 2010 at 11:05 am
i am on you with this one man.... :) i fell like the ncaa players have something to live up to and the nba players just live it up. ;)