Have To Work At It | Teen Ink

Have To Work At It

January 10, 2010
By Matt Scott SILVER, Cypress, Texas
Matt Scott SILVER, Cypress, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The next award is the most improved player of the 07 Iron Eagles lacrosse season is…”Coach Lehle said in an adrenalin rush way. My heart was beating faster than a rocket going into space.
“Matt, that’s you, you deserve that, that’s all you, I worked for that!” as I tried to convince myself. I was thinking, please be me, I have never won award, this is my time to shine! “The award goes to Matt!” Coach Lehle yelled. I felt a shock of joy, it made me fell like I was on top of the world. It made all the times I worked hard and dedicated my time to practicing worth it.

The beginning of it all started in 7th grade. My mom was hearing from her friends that theirs this new sport that growing really fast in Texas. That’s sport was Lacrosse, I had barely known anything about the sport, and really didn’t care to get to know it. It was a sport that some people played but not any of my friends played. My mom decided to sign me up, I was furious I couldn’t believe. I thought it was a joke everything was good before I dint have any worries.

My mom and I didn’t always get along after that. Then the first practice was coming up. I was worried and nervous I didn’t like other people thinking im one of the weak kids on the team. I went to the first practice furious and embarrassed, I looked around seeing all these lacrosse players that were good. I felt left out when they new the coaches and all the kids that were on the team. Finally practice was over and It wasn’t looking so good as my ride home was full of angry. Powerfully, I stormed into the house.
“Mom, what the heck, why did you sign me up for lacrosse I can’t play!” I exclaimed. “I’m sorry Matt; you don’t have a choice your playing. “My mom demanded.
“Fine Mom, whatever!” I yelled. Practice when on for the next few weeks and it was the same. Until my Coach Lehle heard my problem, and I wanted to quit. He didn’t like that and we talked for along time about it. I really didn’t know him yet I listened to him. I learned and felt better he changed my perspective about lacrosse. I didn’t want to quit anymore. He showed me to not quit when it gets hard instead that it should make you want to work hard to get better. That’s what exactly what I did I dedicated my time and gave it all my effort towards it. I lead my team into third round playoffs. I also was the leading scorer on the team.
It felt awesome, from me being noting to me being everything. It really has changed my life to if gets hard just work at and you will secede. It seems so easy but it isn’t you have to dedicate some time and effort. Then you get the fame that everybody wants because if it were easy everybody would do it. When I look back I have no regret not quitting. So many goods things would have not happened to me. I probably wouldn’t have been here at Houston C. because lacrosse gave me an opportunity to come here. I had never heard of Houston C. before lacrosse. Quitting is never an answer, but working is always the answer.

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