Rugby | Teen Ink


April 26, 2013
By Anonymous

It was near the end of the season we played Grandville c side are record was 3-3 against them. we were playing sparta b side. We thought about it at all we figured they would be similar to are C side team because they were a new program at that school. On the car ride there we were talking about how easy this game will be. We thought there was no way we were going to lose to a brand new team if we bet are C side who had been around for a few years. We had no fear of playing them but we would soon find out we were wrong.

We got to the game and we saw how big they were. We found out later that they were juniors and seniors. We were about to find out how wrong we were.

The first half we played we never scored against them. They scored so many times on us we lost count. One of the kids on their team was so big they give him the nickname taxi. When I tried to tackle him he dragged me 15 yards before I couldn't hang on any longer. None of my teammates would help me tackle him. The game started not to be fun nobody wanted to try anymore, because they were just running over us. There was no way to stop them because if their size. At the end of the game I was glad to go home I was sore from being hit so many times. We all wanted to know why are coach wanted us to play Sparta. She said that the only way you will get better is if you play people who are better than you. You will get worse if you play a team who is worse.
I'm glad I did rugby I learned a lot from it. Made more friends from playing. Even though we got beat our last game I couldn't wait to play next year on the high school team, and having a chance of going to playoffs or even winning state.

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