what gymnast face | Teen Ink

what gymnast face

September 12, 2013
By Anonymous

If you like gymnastics you probably are wandering what gymnasts face. They face a lot of training. if the are training for the olympics like i was then they probably face a lot 8 to 10 hours a day of training. they do get a lot of injuries but only a few are usually major like when i broke my knee cap. gymnastics is like a big train path with twists and turns that they under go. a little pain could turn into a big pain in a quick second if a gymnast doesnt handle there pain right. thats why when im helping little kids in gymnastics when they say they are in pain i see were its at and treat it to my length and go and tell the head coach at once.

The author's comments:
if you liked my piece gymnastics then you will like this one its kinda like a sequel to it. its what happens to me and what gymnasts under go.

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