Baseball | Teen Ink


November 7, 2013
By 4mmazur BRONZE, Rossford, Ohio
4mmazur BRONZE, Rossford, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Baseball is a great sport with a ton of things people don’t think of. Most people just think all you have to do is just hit a ball with a stick and that’s all it consists of but it is so much more the just that. Most people don’t think that baseball has different plays for different situations. Like if there is a runner at third you run the squeeze play which is the runner at third goes and the batter bunts it hard down the third base line in turn scoring the run. It’s a rush and takes a ton of athletic skill. Throwing a ball at 90 plus miles per hour is just crazy to me. I love the fact that people think it isn’t hard. I say don’t say that about anything unless you’ve tried it.

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This article has 1 comment.

Diabetes177 said...
on Nov. 12 2013 at 5:27 pm
the main point in this pices is to say that baseball is a lot more then just hitting a ball with a bat