The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

February 25, 2014
By MeganWilkinson BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
MeganWilkinson BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The quieter you are the more you hear.

There is nothing like the game. Putting every ounce of heart you have into that one serve, that one pass, that one moment when your block comes down to your game face, and your play comes down to your attitude. When you pick up the ball and drop the rest of the world. That zone. A place no one else can go. When you know you did your best and you don't regret a single moment of it. The court is your home, the ball is your best friend, the net is your obstacle, and the ref is your worst enemy. Everything is so clear. Everyone is so focused. Your head is in the game. You put all your trust in your team and you clear your mind. Fear isn't in your vocabulary. It all comes down to skill and perseverance. That's the game. It's practicing everyday until you can barely stand, it's hot showers and cold baths. It's ice packs and uniforms, it's heart and soul. It's a love for what you do. It's a challenge and a struggle, but it is the most exciting rush of energy you will ever have. An athlete is devoted. They are strong physically and mentally, they work hard and play hard, they never give up, and they always have goals. Athletes are on their toes 24/7. Their smart off the court and even smarter on. They are aware. They re dedicated. An athlete is me. Volleyball is my game.

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