History of Winter Olympics | Teen Ink

History of Winter Olympics

March 2, 2014
By Hunter Smiertelny BRONZE, Greenwood, Indiana
Hunter Smiertelny BRONZE, Greenwood, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The first Winter Olympics 16 events and 47 medals are a slim margin of the 2014 winter games 98 events and 1300 medals made. The Winter Olympic Games are an international sporting event that occurs every four years. The first games were in 1924 and held in Chamonix, France. The original five sports were broken into nine parts bobsleigh, curling, ice hockey, Nordic skiing, cross country skiing, Nordic combined, ski jumping, and skating. The Winter Games were held every four years from 1924-1936 till they were interrupted by World War II. The games were later resumed in 1948 and continued to be held every four years.

The games have evolved since their beginning. Sports such as Alpine skiing, luge, short track speed skating, freestyle skiing, skeleton and snowboarding have all been added to the games. Other sports though such as curling and bobsleigh were discontinued then reintroduced. The Winter Olympics have also been held on three different continents by eleven different countries. No country in the southern hemisphere has ever hosted the winter games. This is because during the Winter Olympics it is summer in the southern hemisphere. The only country to win gold at each Winter Games is the United States. The only two countries to get banned were Germany and Japan.

The Winter Olympics have made major changes. In the 1924 Winter Olympics there was a total of 16 countries competing. Now in the 2014 Winter Olympics there were a total of 119 countries competing from all over the world. Also today’s 2871 athletes are more than 11 times as many as the 258 that competed in the first Winter Olympics. As you can tell the games have became much more advanced over the years.

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It was a school project

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on Mar. 14 2014 at 1:49 pm
WrestleingIsLife, Greentown, Pennsylvania
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I enoyed your article about the olymics.