Basketball Memoir | Teen Ink

Basketball Memoir

October 28, 2014
By Anonymous

 On a hot, sunny day of June I went to the park and played in a 5 on 5 basketball tournament with a few friends I have been playing basketball with since the 3rd grade. We didn’t have many people with height our tallest guy was just about 6’2 but that didn’t stop us from setting a goal to win this tournament and show no weakness to the other teams. We had the talent, the heart, and the discipline to push ourselves and to try and win this tournament. We started warming up on half of the court while our first competitors in the orange jerseys warmed up on the other half, the official finally blew the whistle and told us to get our starting 5 ready and on the court. Marcus at shooting guard, Montez at small forward, Chris at power forward, Josh at center, and me at point guard. The official threw the ball up into the air and both centers jumped to tip the ball to one of their teammates, we won the tip off and had gotten a quick easy 2 points off a layup. We started off in a man to man defense because we were really good with sticking to our men and forcing people to commit turnovers. We knew that we couldn’t play easy on these guys because we have seen them play before and knew that they knew how to really play this game so we took this game serious. At the end of the 2nd  quarter the score was 23-15 we had the lead and weren’t going to let them take the lead, in the huddle we all told each other good first 2 quarters, Tez said “ we need to increase the lead, we need to show them that they are not ready for us.” At the start of the 3rd quarter the orange team brought the ball down the court and started to set up pick and roll plays, trying to fight around the picks we made a mistake and left one man opened they got an easy 3 pointer. Half way through the 3rd quarter the score was tied at 33, both teams with players with soaking wet jerseys and dripping sweat, I called a timeout so the team could get a quick break. After the timeout we brought the ball down the court and started to set screens for the post men and I saw an open lane to the rim, I started dribbling to the basket full speed leaving my defender behind me as I went up for the layup and watched it fall in. getting back on defense we decided to double team their point guard because he was the only reason they were keeping up with us in this game, and we knew that he starts to throw the ball away when he is getting tapped. We had gotten 4 steals of this trap and scored on every steal except for one. At the start of the 4th quarter we were down by 3pts both teams struggling to stop the other team from scoring. The ball gets passed down to the post as their center goes up for a layup and Josh comes out of nowhere and blocks it I grab the rebound and start dribbling down the court I saw Marcus cutting to the basket and threw a behind the back pass to him, he had gotten fouled and still made the layup, we line up for Marcus free throws as he takes a deep breath to relax and focus on the free-throw. He made the free throw with 10 seconds left on the clock with us up by 3pts and the orange team rushes the ball down the court, as the pas the ball around quickly as the crowd starts to count down (5,4,3,2,1) and their small forward shoots a three as the ball is in the air the buzzard goes off while everyone else watches the basketball roll around the rim for about 5 more seconds then it finally falls in, the orange team starts to jump up and down with joy. At the start of the 4th quarter the game was tied at 56, we bring the ball down the court and saw the defense in a 2-3 zone I knew if I passed the ball to the corners or in the post they were going to trap, I dribbled up to the 3pt line and faked a pass to Tez, the defense started shifting to the left thinking I passed the ball and I shot the 3 ball and listened as it ripped through the net and listened to the crowd get hype. With 1 minute left in the 4th quarter the game is tied at 68 and the orange team has the ball, dribbling the ball trying to waste some time, the point guard starts to dribble between his legs and tries to hit me with an in and out move but he tripped over his shoe and lost the ball, I sprinted to the loose and hustled down the court for the easy layup with 10 seconds left in the quarter. As my team running to get back on defense the orange team calls a time out. In our huddle we decide to full court press for the last 10 seconds. The official blows his whistle for us to get back on to the court, as we start walking toward the people we are going to hold, the official hands the ball to the player passing the ball in bounds, he slaps the ball and a orange jersey comes to set a pick on me and my man sprints down the court with no one down there I  see the ball floating through the air as I sprinted down the court looking at the ball fall into the defenders hands with me three steps behind him he takes one dribble and goes up for layup as I jump up with all my might and stretch my arm out trying my best to block the layup, I feel the palm of my hand touch the ball and I swatted toward the other way and watched the ball fly towards half court and listen to the buzzard go off, I landed on the ground and heard my ankle pop. I went to the doctors later on that day to find out that I had broken my ankle. Even though I had a broken ankle the team still came to my house later on that day asking how long am I out and congratulating me on the game winning block, I was out for the rest of the summer and we came in second place in the tournament.  

The author's comments:

this is about me and my friends first game in the 5 on 5 tournament

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bdetgen24 said...
on Jun. 11 2019 at 10:06 am
bdetgen24, Madison, New Jersey
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