The Benefits of Running | Teen Ink

The Benefits of Running

December 4, 2014
By amanda_kath BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
amanda_kath BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
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Normally, the only time you hear that “you get out if it what you put it” is when a coach is giving a pep talk or lecture to a team of mildly dedicated athletes. But with running, it seems this quote actually holds true.  The sport can take hard work and dedication, but it requires minimal equipment and is pretty simple. Researchers show that even running just a little bit can boost your immunity and better not just your physique but long term health as well. After all, who doesn’t want to be healthy? Running has many health benefits that anyone can take advantage of including mental health, reduced risk of illness, and a stronger body overall.
        One of the most rewarding effects of running is the mental clarity it provides. Running helps to release stress and clear the mind, which has its own benefits. The relaxing rhythm of running lets the mind unravel, and without stress the body is able to function better and you will be happier overall. During a workout you can also practice meditation and it will increase your overall ability to concentrate and stay focused on normal tasks throughout the day. Running will help “build confidence and character, as the runner feels empowerment and freedom knowing he is becoming stronger and more capable”. Running also releases exercise-induced endorphins into the bloodstream that actually make you happier. This is sometimes called a “runner’s high” and is most often felt while running outdoors. People who run are able to testify that one of the best benefits of running is a mental clarity that comes with better overall perception of life.
        In addition to mental health, running can improve your physical health as well. According to Daniel Pendick of the Harvard Health Blog, running just fifty minutes a week reduced the risk of death from cancers and cardiac diseases as well as extending the overall lifespan of the individual. It can also lower your risk of getting minor illnesses such as the cold and flu because of circulatory benefits such as getting oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body more efficiently than non-runners. When your body is properly nourished, it is less susceptible to illnesses like colds and the flu. It can also help boost your metabolism so that you burn more calories when you are resting, fight off unwanted bacteria, and become healthier and more fit overall.
        Aside from mental and physical health benefits, running has an overall effect of making the body healthier and stronger. Due to the stress put on your body when you run, the sport encourages you to take care of yourself and be more aware of your body than you normally would. Examples include staying hydrated, eating well, and getting enough sleep. Running also keeps your bones and muscles stronger as you grow older, so that you don’t age as quickly and your body does not become fragile. In addition, it can help you reach or maintain a healthy weight so that you feel better and look better, too. Maintaining a healthy weight will keep your internal organs healthy and prolong osteoporosis. Finally, research has shown that runners have better lung capacity, which allows for more relaxed breathing habits and the ability to do more work without getting winded easily.
In addition to simply feeling better, more energetic, and getting healthier, running is almost like therapy to some who have pre-existing health conditions. One incredible example is a teenage girl named Kayla Montgomery who became one of the fastest runners in the country despite having multiple sclerosis. Although her symptoms are activated during running, she feels no pain during the run and gets a “break” from her disease with no permanent damage, overcoming obstacles one at a time. There are many disabled individuals who can still run, and they participate in the sport for happiness and improved health.
        Running is a fantastic way to attain or maintain or achieve good health while relieving stress, clearing your mind, and getting stronger. The more exercise you put in weekly the more beneficial it is to your health and you can have fun while staying in shape. Though it may take blood, sweat, or even tears, the mental, physical, and emotional benefits of running are widespread and available to all.

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