Twenty Close Brothers | Teen Ink

Twenty Close Brothers

December 18, 2014
By tkaucic SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
tkaucic SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One sets me up for a one-timer. The other takes a hit to get me the puck. Twenty close brothers who watch each other’s backs and fight for each other. Twenty who work together to ensure a victory. Twenty beat-up athletes with nothing left to give, yet they give more anyways. From our locker room music blares— we’re preparing for game time.
Our team is unbreakable. We are both mentally and physically strong together. When we hit the ice, we dig our skate blades into the ice and fly back and forth for warm-ups. This is how we start.
Let one forget his job, the team suffers, causing momentum to shift out of our favor. Talk, talk, talk my coach yells as he walks.
When it is third period, when every player is tired and dripping sweat, then the men with heart shine through. When work ethic is all we have left. Twenty who won despite the odds. Twenty who work and achieve their goal. Twenty whose bond is tight and everlasting.

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