Gameday | Teen Ink


January 30, 2015
By Guajaboy BRONZE, San Pedro, Other
Guajaboy BRONZE, San Pedro, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Basketball has been my priority since day one. I always hated to lose but a few years ago my team wasn’t doing so well. The most important tournament I had played in that time was coming up and although my team was not expecting doing well, we gave it all every day during training. We may had not been even one of the top 5 teams but we had hope and we didn’t care of what everyone expected from us couldn’t wait for it to begin and finally the first game of the tournament came. That morning while I was getting ready I was shaking like an airplane during turbulence. I was so nervous and I couldn’t control myself.

“Are you ready?” my mom shouted as she came up the stairs.

“Coming” I replied. I got into the car with my brand new kicks and my heart beating out of my chest.

  Day 1: That day I had two games and they were against the two hardest teams on the tournament. I got to the ingles just in time and my coach was there with of my teammates. When I entered the gym I could see the benches full of people, the Gatorade stands and the scoreboard up and running. We warmed up and got ready. Coach told me to calm down, breathe and enjoy the game. The game started and we started losing by a lot and by the second half, I just wanted it to end. The San Roberto crushed us as we thought it would be. We came together to talk.

  “Lets get it over our minds and get ready for the next game,” said coach. I went home to eat and got ready for the next game. . The game against the ingles was a deja vu, another bad game, another bad day. My confidence went down and I went from nervous to disappointed. I felt like the next two days were going to be the same. Like if the whole tournament would be a blow out. I thought about it and found out that if we didn’t lose any other game for the rest of the tournament we would still get third place. I knew it was a task that was too difficult to accomplish but it was all we had left. And even though the past games had loss all over themselves, I had to keep on going.

Day 2: I woke up and got ready, the word “game time” was bouncing in my head like the basketball I was bouncing off the floor. I entered the gym and the team was huddled up having a pep talk.

“We are capable of so much and if we don’t to put it out there then we are wasting our time. We worked so hard and put so much effort to come here and leave this gym with a trophy, now lets get out there and have some fun,” Coach lectured. My nerves were gone and I was ready to win. In the games each person could only play 2 quarters of the game and I played the first and the last quarter. The ref blew his whistle and the starting five approached the court. The players shook hands and the game started. That game was a stroll in the park. We got the win and I felt I could run a marathon right after the game. After the game I went home and ate, I got ready for the next game that was against the AIM. Got back to the Ingles and warmed up again. I didn’t feel as confident as the first game because the AIM was a good team.

“One, two, three, EAGLES!” we shouted as the game started. At the beginning the game was a bit tight but at the end we finished of with a lead of about eight points. I was as happy as a turkey the day after thanksgiving. I went home with a big smile in my face because I knew that I was one game away from leaving the ingles with a trophy.

Day 3: I entered the ingles gym for the last time in that tournament. We were going against a team we had never played against before in my life. I didn’t know their school or how they played. We came together and went over some things. “Okay now, lets keep calm and don’t try to make stupid moves. Lets make every run count and every shot go in. We just have to do this one last thing and we’ll leave this gym with a trophy.” coach said as we listened like he was saying the most important thing in the world. The starting five with me included got into the court and shook hands with the other team. Although it was not an easy team, we did have a good first quarter and finished 7-3.
“Nice job” coach complemented me as I sat in the bench. I was a little confident and I thought we would most probably win the game. The second quarter started and I was concentrated in the game the whole time. By half time we were losing 7-9. I was a little mad the other guys lost our lead but I still knew it was just a basket and it was just half time. I sat down again hoping we would get our lead back but I just got even madder. Their points kept going and going. I got madder and madder. The third quarter ended and we were losing 9-26. I was full with rage. I knew it was a lot to recover in just one quarter but I was ready to unleash the beast. My partner Luis Jaime came to me and said with a face full of hope
  “do what you do best, win”

“I got this” I replied as I entered the court once again. As soon as they got the ball I stole it and we scored. We were pressuring them with all our might. We didn’t let them pass the half of the court. Our jerseys had red, hot flames on them we were on fire. I scored and scored, although I never celebrated because I was not going to waste one second. The end of the quarter was approaching and we were giving it all out there. I after a basket I saw the score board and saw 25-26 losing with 20 seconds left. I turned again and saw a long pass towards my man and I leaped into the air like a frog and caught it. I passed it to Juan Pablo, ran towards the basket, Juan Pablo passed it back to me in the free throw line, 10 seconds on the clock. I took my shot. The ball soared into like an eagle while it spun like a bowling ball. The whole gym went mute and all eyes were looking at the ball. It felt eternal as the ball went up, then down and swish. Everybody went from mute to full volume. I threw my hands in the air and just ran jumping all around like a crazy bull. Coach called time out and everybody came jump on me.

“Great job guys now lets just go full defense, no fouls and if you get the ball just keep it. Seven more seconds now lets do this!” Shouted coach. We all were happy but it was not over yet. They got the ball, shot and air balled it we got it and just threw it

“EEEEEEEEEEEE” went the scoreboard. We had won! Their team started crying as we shook hands and we went to talk to a corner.

“I will be completely honest guys, I didn’t think we were going to make it this far, but you proved me wrong, now enjoy yourselves and I’ll see you at the award ceremony,” said coach.

The eight teams sat down in lines and the coaches told us that we needed to choose someone to go for the trophy when we were called to get.

“I think Santiago should do it,” exclaimed one of my friends7YCEYU
“Yea he should do it,” added another one.
“Well, when they call us you stand up and walk on the podium for the trophy and shake hands with the tournament directors” Coach told me. The directors gave a couple of long speeches about sportsmanship and after a long talk they finally started to call out the winners.

“With an unbelievable comeback in the last quarter, the third place goes to A.S.F.M.” I stood up and waddled to the other side of the gym and I could feel my heart coming out of my chest while a million set of eyes were on me and everyone was clapping. I shook hands with the directors and they handed me this huge trophy with my schools name in it… and I smile.

I wrote this story because in this story there is one of my most precious memories. I found happiness during a time that was expected to be a tragedy and I changed what people thought about my team and me. I proved those who doubted me and my team that we are winners and that we don’t ever give up. I loved this tournament like a kid loves Christmas morning and although today that tournament is not the most important I have played, it is still my favorite.

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