When I regreted my desicion | Teen Ink

When I regreted my desicion

October 14, 2019
By Anonymous

When I was in third grade, my friend was hanging out with me and we were at his house. His family was going to take a trip to Idaho for a wedding and it was going to last a week. His family said that he could invite one friend and he chose me.I was jumping up and down and was trying to play it cool. His mom said, “We are going to leave tomorrow at 9 am.” I couldn’t wait to take this trip so I rushed home and told my mom all about it. We had to pack pretty quick because we were going to leave in the morning. So I threw all my clothes into my bag and went really fast like a race car . Then I went to bed. I was still sleeping when my alarm clock went off and my mom had to go wake me up. I then get breakfast and get ready. Then right as they are about to get here I realize that this is my first trip that I am going to take without my family and start feel sweat on my hands and thinking about a whole lot of different things. I know that I am going to have fun and then they arrive. 


I was so scared that I have to go on this trip. But I just couldn’t say anything about it and get my bags in the car and we are set for Idaho. At the start of the drive I remember me and my friend just played games on our phones and doing what you would usually do on a car ride. But after a little I just couldn’t do that and starting to think about my family I knew that I couldn’t handle it anymore and asked if I could use the bathroom. So we pulled over in a gas station and I went into the bathroom. And that is when I lost it and tears just start flying down my face  . I just cried for about 3 mins, then my friend came in and said, “hey man, are you ok.” I replied with, “yes” and I knew I had to hold it together and walked out of the bathroom like nothing had happened. So for most of the drive I just listened to my music and fell asleep. When I woke up I noticed that we only had 15 mins till we arrived at his cousins house. I remember seeing his cousins house for the first time, his cousins house was so nice on the outside with brown windows and rocks on the outside and they lived in this amazing neighborhood that it looked like all the houses were the same. When we get inside I put my bags down and looked into the inside of the house and called my mom. My mom answered and I said, “I miss you mom so much and I don’t know if I can handle being here for a week.” And she replied with, “It’s going to be okay, you are going to have fun and you can call me anytime that you want on this trip.” I replied with, “Okay.” And I hung up the phone, and I just told myself, yeah everything is going to be okay. So me and my friend just hung out and did some fun things and we mostly jumped on their tramp. Then we watched Spider Man. I just remember how much I wished that I could be like spider man shooting webs from my fingers and having super strength would be really cool. Then when the movie ended we went to bed.

The next day I woke up to the sound of my friend on his phone and I knew he was awake and that I should wake up too. For that whole day me and my friend were talking about Pokemon cards because that was the big thing in third grade.  And then the day of the wedding came. The wedding was a super casual wedding in this clubhouse place and there was a photo booth. Me and my friend knew that we had to take many pictures in that photo booth. So we hopped in the photo booth and took some photos. We probably did so many because my friends mom had to come get us and said that there was a long line for this and we needed to get out of it. So we got out of it and looked at the pictures we had just taken and then we had dessert and we went back to his cousins house. That night I remember having this amazing dinner and it was steak that I just couldn’t stop eating it. And that night we packed up our stuff and made sure that we were going to be ready to leave straight in the morning. So I went to sleep. But I was just thinking about seeing my family in a couple of hours.

The next morning, me and my friend woke up a little early and just played on our phones. Then it was time to go. The car ride was pretty chill besides bathroom breaks and me thinking about my family and wanting to see them. I took a couple of short naps that didn’t last very long and then when I saw that we were only a couple of minutes away from my house I was so excited. Then we arrived, and I couldn’t believe that I survived that and made it home. My mom was there standing under the garage and greeting me. I threw open  the door and jumped into her arms and just squeezed so tight. I said that I missed her so much. And she says that she's glad I’m back home. I hug her for so long that she has to tell me to let go and I go inside and talk about what I did on the trip. I left out the whole crying incident at the gas station but told her how fun it was. I love how I get to live at home and see my whole family after I wake up and see them every day.

       THE END

The author's comments:

I was going on a trip with my friend and that is what I wrote about

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