The Great Outdoors | Teen Ink

The Great Outdoors

March 7, 2023
By TikiToto BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
TikiToto BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A few years back my mom asked me if I wanted to go camping with my friends at Hermit Park, Colorado. Camping with my best friends was always fun in the past but Hermit Park had some of the best outdoor views and nature. We had so much fun on the ride there playing games in the RV. About 3 hours later we ended up at our campsite. I look at the lake with a wow in thought. We all got up to stretch and go to the bathroom. When I stepped out on the metal stairs and I could smell the brisk wind with a hint of pine. We wanted to play a game so we split into teams of 3 “Olders .vs. Youngers”. We were doing a hunger game type game where we threw pinecones at each other and If you got hit you were out. It was fun but soon we lost track of where we were going. I found a spot to wait for them. It was on the side of a big boulder.  They walked right over us. My heart was racing because I thought what if I got hit and it cut me. Anyways we got up to go attack because we were getting worried. When we heard their voice we jumped behind trees and threw as many pine cones over as we could. We finally heard an “Ouch” and ran away. We had hit one and we needed to go find the rest of them. As I see my brother's red shirt running up on the tallest boulder we chased them! We got to the top and saw a dead bush. When my friend walked over to it he got thrown at so my other friend and me went from both sides to get whoever was hiding. We saw the red shirt and threw pinecones. “Ouch” we heard and it was now a 2v1. We attacked the other side of the boulder and the last kid only had one pinecone we had 2 so we had basically won. We both decided to throw at once and. “Owwww” We had won. When we got back we told our parents that we were having the best of times outdoors, no video games, no phones, just the great outdoors. When night came upon us we sat around the campfire with our moms as our dads made dinner.  After dinner was done we did a little exploring with flashlights. Our dads came with us to protect us. Later the sky was so clear that I could see the whole sky with stars and planets all over. We also told scary stories the whole night. It was time for bed but I couldn't fall asleep so I stayed up all night walking around and exploring without my parents knowing.  The stars kept me up.

The author's comments:

I like sports and the great outdoors. I just thought of submitting this for a school project.

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