Two Worlds Collide | Teen Ink

Two Worlds Collide

April 5, 2013
By LivinLife25 BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
LivinLife25 BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The long dreary drive seemed to lead nowhere. The only thing present was dusty dirt for as far as the eye could see. The land looked desolate. Nothing but little thorny shrubs seemed to grow. In an instant the bus came to a stop and we were on a beach preparing to get on a boat. Suddenly the smell of stale dust was replaced by the scent of salty seawater coming from our destination. The Red Sea. Flip flops went flying as we squished our toes in the sand. The rough, warm sand on our feet was a wonderful change from the feel of shoes.

Still a little sick from the ride there, we took a few moments to walk around before boarding the speedboat. We heard a voice in broken English inform us to get on the boat. Once our group was on the boat and we had left the dock a sense of expectation filled the air as we set out to explore this new world hidden within the veil of an ocean. The Re Sea ocean spray came up over the edge as if to greet us with a gentle mist. Within about a ten-minute time span we came to our destination. Our boat looked like a little speck in the ocean and I suddenly felt very small. As instructed we put on our snorkeling gear and sank into the deep blue water. In the blink of an eye all sound was dissipated. Silence.

The only sound to be heard was my own breathing and the subtle spray as I cleared my snorkel. I was surrounded by indescribably beautiful marine life. Parrot fish, bright starfish, large eels, tiny neon pink and green fish, every color size and species seemed to be represented. In a way it was frightening, there was no way to save myself if something were to attack me. In a similar way it was comforting, the ocean felt like a warm blanket and the sun on my back felt like a cozy campfire. My little eight-year-old hand clutched my father’s shoulder as I took in the sights of this spectacular world previously unknown to me. A world like none other. The ocean floor was so clearly visible, yet strangely untouchable.

In some ways I felt totally out of place in this new underwater world, yet in another way I felt perfectly at home in the momentary peace. Time had suddenly seemed to stop. All worries were forgotten. It seemed as though there was not a care in the world. Silence was broken by a voice speaking in half English and half Arabic informing us it was time to head to out next stop on the sea tour. I did not want to leave, but knew I had to. Even little eight-year-old me knew this perfection could not last forever. We reluctantly headed toward the boat.

Many people in my life have stated the phrase, “You never fully appreciate a moment until it turns into a memory.” That phrase has proven itself to be true multiple times in my life and this is definitely an example of one of those moments. The moment was gone forever, but the memory will last forever. Two worlds had collided and my child like self would never again be the same. My eyes were opened to a whole new world. A world that spans from desolation to beauty, and a sea that opened my eyes to the wonder of life.

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