The Big Fat Indian Wedding | Teen Ink

The Big Fat Indian Wedding

October 17, 2013
By cutenose BRONZE, Kota, Other
cutenose BRONZE, Kota, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't stop believing

Saying that you went to an Indian wedding is just wrong because you can never attend an Indian wedding, you can only experience it.

Indian weddings are not just the usual ceremonies which have close relatives, where the bride and groom's side are familiar with each other and the celebration gets over in two to three days. They are enormous events which have been planned for from months in advance, where the wedding celebrations last longer than seasons do, where the bride and groom risk their lives to live with an unfamiliar person and it most cases it works out too, where the parents of the bride and groom show respect to each other while their other kids and relatives are trying to prove themselves better than the other side, where the entire family gathers together with a bunch of 'aunt's uncle's sons' and other distant relatives and have fun, where the maids of the house are overburdened with work and food as all the extra food is given to them, where everyone is busy for work and free for all the boring pujas, where the bride's parents knowing that their daughter will leave the entire time cry only when the situation demands(there is a special ceremony for this crying episode as well), mostly when the girl is being taken away by the groom in his well-decorated super-expensive car, where the people influenced by western style(because all of these Indian ceremonies just weren't enough) keep cocktail parties, if they hadn't had bachelor and bachelorette parties already, where you are certain to expand your waist after eating every damn fattening thing the world offers us, where the cost of a pair of stolen shoes is more than the cost of the entire wedding and thus not paid.

The list about these weddings goes on and on, but what is most important for you is to be ready for them, so if you are to ever experience an Indian wedding remember to pack anything that is shiny, or gaudy, particularly gaudy because you'll always be underdressed for a wedding, and do not forget to pack a lot of energy as you will be expected to dance everyday almost for the entire function, actually just start dancing whenever you hear music everyone else will join in, prepare your jaws because you'll laugh and smile a lot, tease the bride or groom whenever you get a chance to, eat everything(you'll be turning fat after this anyways) and no matter what happens do not let the other side people win.
The most important thing that I learnt is that never miss a chance of going to an Indian wedding .It's fun!

The author's comments:
Having attended lots of weddings I thought I was just the person to write about it. All the enchanting feeling these weddings give is just worth putting in paper.

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Gupta said...
on Dec. 13 2017 at 5:25 am
Great answer