My Treasure in Merton | Teen Ink

My Treasure in Merton

April 21, 2015
By Cassandra.K. GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Cassandra.K. GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   Concealed behind the noisy streets of the small town Merton, lies a thirty-four acre treasure many look past.
  Merton Millpond is a small drainage lake that gets up to eight feet deep. But its size is a terrible representation of its importance. This waterhole is the reason why Merton, formerly the Town of Warren, was established. The first settlers in the area saw the beauty reflecting off of the lakes surface and decided to build their lives around it.
   Now the pond is hidden back behind overgrown trees and rustic antique shops. But those who stop to admire it, truly witness a treasure.
   Old trees surround the lake, allowing their branches to kiss the surface of the water. Birds rehearse whimsical songs while resting on lilly pads. And tadpoles lurk in the shallow foggy water showing signs of new life.
   I grew up admiring the Millpond for these reasons and many more. It was a place for me to sit back and watch nature put on a show. It was a place for me to walk my dog as the leaves fall. And it was a place for me to hangout with kids from my school.
  While the noisy streets of Merton continue on with the mad rush of the day, I find myself looking out the car window at the place I couldn't imagine my life without. So when you ask me what my treasure in Waukesha County is... I will always say, “Merton Millpond.”

The author's comments:

Merton Wisconsin is a place full of many treasures, this is mine. 

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