DREW and COREY Ep.3- Van Couver, Eh? | Teen Ink

DREW and COREY Ep.3- Van Couver, Eh?

June 9, 2013
By OneBarProductions PLATINUM, Union, Missouri
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OneBarProductions PLATINUM, Union, Missouri
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Favorite Quote:
"You think it is the living that will have the ultimate judgement over you, but it's the dead that will have no claim over your soul"

(DREW walks out of the Sleep Inn, located oh-so comfortably in Canada. He goes for his cell phone and dials it. COREY answers.)
DREW-What the hell!?!
COREY-Well, hello…
DREW-What happened?
COREY-I just woke up…where have you been lately?
COREY-(Pauses) What are you doing in Canada?
DREW-My question exactly!!
COREY-I thought you were just ignoring me these past couple of days.
DREW-Wait…how many days have I been gone? What day is it?
COREY-It’s Monday.
COREY-Yes, as the second day of the week…some say it’s the first day and consider Sunday to be the last, did you know-
DREW-I’ve been gone for the whole weekend?! Have my parents been worried about me?
COREY-Not that I’m aware of. I seen them the other day at the store and they seemed fine, so I assumed everything was okay.
DREW-…my parents aren’t upset…?
COREY-They seemed pretty happy actually. You must’ve really made them mad.
DREW-Corey, I haven’t been home since the party Friday night.
COREY-The party? Oh yeah the party! I left early that night and then didn’t hear anything else from you since.
DREW-You left…?
COREY-yeah…Brit showed up and things got sorta awkward so I bailed and besides I wasn’t comfortable being there in the first place. I only went to get you to shut up.
DREW-I…I don’t remember what happened that night.
COREY-Well, you must’ve had too many to drink. See what happens at parties! Nothing good!
DREW-It’s never been this bad before!
COREY-Just calm yourself. Can you remember anything from Friday night? You must remember something.
DREW-I don’t! Nothing, nadda, ziltch!
COREY-tough break…Are you with anyone?
DREW-I don’t think so. I woke up in a hotel room. There were two beds, but the one I was in was the only one dirtied.
COREY-I can call around and ask a few people about what happened.
DREW-Do that! You’re a life saver!
COREY-Thank goodness…started thinking I was a satan worshiper.
COREY-NO-Not really, that’d be crazy! I’ll ask around for you.
DREW-Thank you so much!
COREY-Keep me posted, will you?
DREW-Of course. (They hang up. DREW begins to walk away when his phone vibrates. He goes to look only to find he has received a text message from an unknown number reading “I hope you slept well.” He looks around before responding “Who is this? Marty?” Receives “Not even close. Just follow my simple instructions and everyone will be happy.” Sends “Where am I?” Receives “Let me do the leading today, okay?” Sends “Will you at least tell me your name so I know Im not following some psycho?” Receives “How ‘bout you just call me ‘T.M.’ for now.” Sends “Fair. Okay T.M. can you tell me why I am in Van Couver?” Receives “Ryan Brians is your problem, not me…talk to him and message me back when you do.” Sends “But why Ryan?” Receives “The phone you are trying to contact is unavailable at the moment. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”) What the hell…? (He calls COREY.)
COREY-International house of pancakes!
DREW-It’s me.
COREY-I know. Have you found out anything?
DREW-A little bit. Do you know anyone with the initials T.M. by chance?
COREY-Tony Montgomery…
DREW-Who’s that?
COREY-This kid I use to be friends with in pre-school.
DREW-What? How do you remember that?!
COREY-Steal trap, my friend.
DREW-Anyway, do you know Tony anymore?
COREY-I don’t know…? I think he moved.
DREW-To where?
COREY-how am I suppose to know?
DREW-Steal trap, remember?
COREY-…that’s not fair. I haven’t talked to the guy in years.
DREW-Could you find out if he lives anywhere close to where we live?
COREY-I guess so, yeah.
DREW-THANK YOU! (hangs up. DREW sighs and continues to walk. He gets to a bus stop as TINA TIMPTONS goes up and stands next to him. He turns to see her and finds she is attractive. He smiles and approaches the situation.) Morning. (She looks around and then smiles at him without response.)…morning?
TINA-It’s evening.
DREW-Excuse me?
TINA-It’s evening now. You said “Morning”.
DREW-Oh…well, good evening then.
TINA-Yes. (Turns away)
DREW-You seem like a timid person.
TINA-What if I am? Is it remotely ingenious to talk to me?
DREW-I don’t know, why?
TINA-If I’m timid then I might have a short temper and if that’s the case then I’m about to blow up on you.
DREW-(Smiles) I know you’re not a timid person, you know why?
TINA-Why’s that?
DREW-You would have already blown up by now. (She cracks a smile) Exactly. I’m Drew.

(COREY is walking through the hallways alone, people continue to stare at him, but instead with concern this time. TED comes up to him.)
TED-Where is he?
COREY-I assume when you say “He” you mean Drew?
TED-Of course I do idiot! Now where is he?!
COREY-I don’t know! Is that why everyone is staring at me?
TED-Word going around is you ate him?
COREY-…I ate him?
TED-Yeah, you’re big enough. (COREY looks at himself.) I wanna call B.S. but looking at you I almost have to agree.
COREY-I didn’t do anything to him. He went to your stupid party Friday night and when I left was the last I heard from him. I didn’t even wanna go to that party.
TED-Yeah, what’s up with that? Who doesn’t like to go to parties?
COREY-Me! I don’t like parties! They’re demeaning!
TED-Calm down sasquatch! You’re weird, that’s nothing new. The only reason I ask you about Drew is because it seems like you are the only person he hangs out with now-a-days.
COREY-I guess it’s better hanging out with some people.
TED-(Pauses and squints his eyes.)I don’t like you…
COREY-You’ve made that very clear. Jealousy is all I see though.
TED-Jealousy!? Of you?! Are you insane?!
COREY-You’re jealous that I stepped in and took your spotlight at the talent show and by some streak of luck, we were discovered by my NOW boss and friend…the talented and famous, Mr. Ryan Brians. (COREY smiles and smirks)
TED-Leave me alone…
COREY-Spilt milk…?
TED-Shut up! (Walks away. BRIT walks around and meets with COREY who starts to walk away.)
BRIT-Corey, stop! (He keeps walking.) STOP! (COREY stops and turns around.)
COREY-…what is it?
BRIT-Stop ignoring me.
COREY-I’m not ignoring you…
BRIT-You are too! The moment I showed up at that party Friday night, you ran away.
COREY-That wasn’t your fault. I don’t like parties.
BRIT-I’m sorry about what happened.
COREY-Me too…is that it?
BRIT-No, I want to start over…
COREY-Me too…is THAT it?
BRIT-Then you’ll take me back? We can forget about all of this!?
COREY-(Steps back) Whoa…no…I cant be with you…
BRIT-But…why? What can I do to make you change your mind?
COREY-I mean, I’d love to get back together…but not after that. I don’t want to ever be with you again. It would hurt too much…
BRIT-I’ll change.
COREY-You HAVE changed…and you can keep changing…without me.
COREY-Brit…stop. I don’t want to do this. (He starts to leave when he stops and turns back to her.) By the way, have you seen Drew since Friday night?
BRIT-I don’t think so, no…why?
COREY-He’s in Canada right now.

(DREW is now walking alongside TINA.)
DREW-I’m glad we didn’t take the bus.
TINA-So you’re telling me, you woke up this morning in a hotel room with no recollection of how you got there?
DREW-Very “Hangover” themed right?
DREW-The movie? (She shakes her head.) You’ve never seen the Hangover?! That movie’s incredible!
TINA-I don’t watch many movies. I travel a lot.
DREW-I’ve always wanted to travel. You know, see the world.(Looks around) I guess I’m kinda doing that right now, aren’t I? (TINA laughs.) You’re fun Tina.
TINA-I’m enjoying myself very much right now.
DREW-I hope this isn’t too forward, but since I’m kinda stuck here for the moment, would you want to catch lunch or something?
TINA-(Looks around suspiciously.) I would like that.
DREW-That’s great! (Pauses) Uhm…do you know any good restaurants around here?
TINA-(Chuckles) Of course. Come on, just follow me.

(DREW and TINA are now enjoying themselves at an outdoors diner.)
DREW-How nice is it here?
TINA-It’s very nice.
DREW-Isn’t it usually colder?
TINA-Mainly, yes.
DREW-…Im sorry, I keep rambling. Im not letting you talk at all.
TINA-Well…there’s not much for me to say. I travel, I play music, I sing-
DREW-Whoa wait. Sorry to interrupt, but did you just say you play music and I hope I didn’t miss that last part, but sing as well?
TINA-Yeah, I’m sort of a song writer.
DREW-Get out of here! Me too!
TINA-You’re kidding!
DREW-What are the odds? (Just then, his cell phone vibrates. Receives “I haven’t heard anything about Mr.Brians yet. I hope you’re not flaking on me.” Sends “Why is he so important anyway? I’m on a date right now and frankly I feel I shouldn’t have to attend to your immediate demands.” Receives “Pretty girl isn’t she? I would think you’d like to know everything that’s been going on since your music career is on the line.” Sends “How do you know what I’m doing? Where are you and why are you threatening my music?” Receives “Call Mr.Brians…” Sends “Tell me!!!!” Receives “The phone you are trying to contact is not available. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.”) Dammit…
TINA-Excuse me?
DREW-Huh? Oh, I’m sorry just a friend, he’s really pushing my buttons. Do you mind if I make a quick phone call?
TINA-Not at all, go for it.
DREW-Thank you. (He gets up from his table and stomps off while huffing and puffing. He gets on his cell and calls RYAN BRIANS.)
RYAN-Hello? Ryan Brians.
DREW-Ryan, it’s Drew Deeds.
RYAN-Andrew, how are you doing? Did you and Corey get my letter I sent about the song set up?
DREW-Yes yes, I just have a quick question for you?
RYAN-Fire away son.
DREW-Are you by chance texting me with the code name T.M. by chance? I keep getting these texts telling me to call you.
DREW-Yes sir.
RYAN-Block the number, immediately. Do you hear me? Don’t question me, just block the number.
DREW-Is everything okay? Should I be worried?
RYAN-I said don’t question me, just do it.
DREW-Uh-yeah…okay, will do.
RYAN-Good. Was there anything else you needed?
DREW-Uhm…no, not at the moment.
RYAN-Okay then, remember what I said.
DREW-Yes sir.
RYAN-You have a good day now, Andrew.
DREW-Thank you, you too. (Hangs up. He pauses with confusion and then goes to the settings in his phone to block the T.M. number. He then goes back to TINA.) Sorry for the delay, where were we?
TINA-I think you were shocked by my interest in music?
DREW-Right! What style of music are you into? (A waitress comes up to DREW.)
WAITRESS-I’m sorry to interrupt, but is your name Andrew Deeds?
DREW-I don’t know, why, who’s asking?
WAITRESS-I was given this letter by a man at the bar inside to give to you directly. (She hands him the note. On the face of it read “T.M.” He looks at the bar area.)
DREW-Is the man who gave you this still here?
WAITRESS-He claimed he was in a hurry.
DREW-Oh…(Looks at note.) Well, thank you.
TINA-Who’s it from?
DREW-I don’t know. (He opens it to read “Stage one is now complete. I can be every and anywhere so stay on your toes. Multi-media messaging is no longer of my concerns. I knew Mr.Brians would do this to me. If your curiosity has yet to be peeked, come find me. 493 Sycamore Street.”) 493 Sycamore Street…
TINA-Sycamore? I’ve been there a few times.
DREW-Could you take me?
TINA-Of course!

(COREY is laying in his bed staring at the ceiling. He looks at his phone with BRIT still as his background. He closes the phone and sighs. He gets up to see BRIT at his door.)
COREY-Why are you here?
BRIT-I don’t know…I wanted to talk.
COREY-I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, I don’t wanna talk to you. You broke my heart! I have nothing to say to you! Now please leave my hou-
BRIT-I love you…(He stops and steps back.)
BRIT-I love you. I know it’s not the right thing to say and I don’t even know if I mean it-
COREY-Wait, what? You don’t know if you love me or not? You just said it!!!
BRIT-I’m a mess, okay? Ever since what happened, I haven’t been able to sleep or think straight and Ted has been up my ass too about wanting to get with me-
COREY-And it goes on and on doesn’t it? You cheated on me with another guy, that’s not right and that’s not fair to me.
BRIT-I am so…sorry…(She starts to cry.)
COREY-Aw-no…no don’t…ah-don’t cry…
BRIT-I’m a terrible girlfriend…
COREY-Well, considering youre not my girlfriend anymore, yeah you kinda screwed up. (She scoffs at him.) I’m only telling the truth.
BRIT-(Sniffs) I know…you’re right. (She hugs him as he tries to not touch her.) Forgive me…?
COREY-I-uh…well I-uh…
BRIT-Don’t leave me.
COREY-(Nervously chuckles) Well you see…there’s-uh…(Quickly) There’s someone else! (BRIT quickly retracts herself from COREY)
BRIT-There…there is?
BRIT-Oh…(She wipes her eyes) I feel like an idiot. I shouldn’t have come here like this…
BRIT-What’s her name? Do I know her?
COREY-Her who?
BRIT-Your girlfriend. What’s her name?
COREY-Her name…?
BRIT-Yes, the word that defines us all individually.
COREY-She has a name! Of course she has a name…it’s uh…(He starts to think.)It’s uh…
BRIT-Do you even have a girlfriend?
COREY-YES! I have a girlfriend! Why wouldn’t I have a girlfriend? I mean we broke up. I can have a new girlfriend.
BRIT-Then what is her name? Stop playing games with me.
COREY-(Quickly) It’s Aurora!! (He stops and steps back nervously.)
BRIT-That slut from the party Friday?
COREY-Big words Ms.Cheater!
BRIT-Why her…?!
COREY-…why does it matter? We’re broken up.
BRIT-I’m gonna call her. (She starts to dial her phone as she leaves the room.)
COREY-Ha! Go for it! (Pauses and then realizes what’s going on.) OH! No, wait! DON’T!! (He chases BRIT into the living room. She is on her phone.)
BRIT-…so you guys aren’t?
Yeah, he told me you two were!
COREY-Come on, it was just a figure of-
BRIT-Okay, I’ll tell him.
You too girl
Mhmm, bye. (She turns with a glare on her face.)
COREY-(Kidding) What did Aurora say?
BRIT-She said you two weren’t going out.
COREY-WHAT?! That’s preposterous!
BRIT-Corey, stop it! Why did you lie to me about Aurora?
COREY-(Sighs) Why does it even matter!? You.cheated.on.ME! That means fair game, no strings attached, free for all! This is ridiculous!! I need you to leave right now!!!!
COREY-Get out of my house!!! (She stands and stares up at him. He then sighs, goes to the front door and opens it.) Please don’t come back…(He goes to his room, goes inside and closes the door behind him.)

(DREW and TINA approach Sycamore Street. He looks around.)
DREW-I wonder where this guy is?
TINA-How are you so sure it’s a male?
DREW-I guess I don’t know.
TINA-It could be a female.
DREW-It could be a female, yeah.
TINA-You don’t even know this person. Why are you meeting them again?
DREW-This guy threatened my music career. I need to stop them.
TINA-…I need to tell you something.
DREW-Can it wait? Im really anxious on meeting this guy.
TINA-You really should know this…
DREW-Yeah, what about it? (She comes up behind him with a cloth.)
TINA-…it’s me. (She places the clothes on DREW’s mouth as he grows motionless and restless. She smiles as DREW falls to the ground. A man steps into view. We cannot see his face.)
TROY-Excellent…bring him to me. (He turns and walks away as TINA is left to deal with DREW’s body.)

(DREW wakes up to find himself bound to a wooden chair with rope. A single light shines down on him. He squints as he tries to see out into the darkness.)
DREW-What’s going on? Who’s out there? Tina? (TINA steps forward from the darkness.) Tina, whats going on here? Where are we?
TINA-An abandoned Quickie Mart… (She pulls her belt off her hips and snaps it.)
DREW-Whoa! Im all game for four-play, but I think this may be a little too much…
TINA-(Hits him with belt) Quiet!
DREW-OUCH! Come on, just let me go! What did I do to you? (She hits him again.) Stop that!
TROY-(From the darkness) Enough! (DREW starts to look around.)
DREW-Who was that? (TROY McCOY walks in from the darkness.)
TROY-Nice to meet you…(Looks at paper work)…Andrew Deeds (He tosses the papers to the floor.) My name is Troy Geraldo McCoy.
DREW-Uhm…okay? Am I supposed to know you?
TROY-Not personally…but you will remember me mentally.
DREW-Why is that…?
TROY-Well…let me tell you a little story about two struggling musicians who were denied the opportunity of a lifetime.
DREW-Is this about you two?
TROY-DON’T-ruin the story!!
TROY-Anyway…I believe you met my girlfriend Tina already?
DREW-(To TINA) You’re taken?! (Looks down) Well that’s a spirit crusher.
TROY-I don’t like you…
DREW-Okay…? Well if youre the one who tied me to this chair, then Im not too fond of you either.
TROY-A few years ago, Tina and I went to Los Angeles to follow the American dream, to become the next big thing in the music industry.
TINA-We were doing great with little gigs here and there-
TROY-But something happened…
TINA-One night when we were performing downtown, we were approached by a young man.
TROY-A man…by the name of Ryan Brians…
TINA-He offered us a record deal and when we were so close to signing the deal…he backed out.
TROY-He betrayed us!!!
DREW-What does any of that have to do with me.
TROY-He found you and that other pudgy kid instead of us.
TINA-What do you have that we don’t?
DREW-Look, all we did was perform at our High School talent show. Ryan came up to us and offered us the contract. I apologize for your guys’ loss, but this has nothing to do with me, now please let me go.
TROY-(Goes to DREW and holds the seat down.) You are not going anywhere until you promise me you’ll back out of this contract which will allow us to retrieve our opportunity.
DREW-You’re insane.
TROY-Im dedicated. It’s a simple trade…
TINA-If you don’t give up the record deal, we will leave you here to die.
DREW-…oh…that’s kind of a deal breaker…(He looks at both and then sighs.) Okay, fine…I’ll let it go…
TROY-Are you sure…?
DREW-Yes…Im sure. Id rather give that up instead of losing my life at such a young age.
TROY-Excellent! Tina, dear, untie him.
TINA-(Under her breath) Yeah, it’s not like Im the girl or anything…
TROY-What was that?
TINA-Nothing sweetie! (She goes to untie DREW.)
DREW-Thank you! Who tied those in the first place.
TROY-I did. I got an honor badge for tying knots in cub scouts.
DREW-What an accomplishment.
TROY-Indeed…now, go on with the plan.
DREW-Right right, don’t get your panties all in a bunch…(He goes to call on his cell.) So…I got a question. Was it you who brought me here to Canada?
TROY-Yes, it was.
DREW-Why Canada?
TROY-No reason.
DREW-Okay, then how did you find me?
TROY-I have my ways Andrew.
DREW-(Shivers) Ick, don’t call me Andrew…you remind me of my mother.
TROY-I’m sure we are nothing alike.
DREW-Oh, I know that for a fact, you know why?
TROY-Why is that? (DREW lunges out and punches TROY in the throat.)
DREW-Id never do that to my mom! (TROY falls to his knees trying to catch his breath as DREW runs away.)


(DREW is sitting in a bus on his way home. He is breathing heavily. He pulls out his cellphone and calls COREY.)
DREW-Okay, good news. I figured out who T.M. was.
COREY-And who might that be?
DREW-He’s an old client of Ryan’s who is a total psychopath!
COREY-Crazy guy, got it!
DREW-His name is Troy McCoy.
COREY-Like “Back to the Future”?!
DREW-Wrong “Mc”. That’s “McFly”.
COREY-Oh…well, what happened?
DREW-This chick I met who I thought was super hot and fun turned out to be HIS girlfriend who then kidnapped me and threatened me to give up our contract with Ryan so they could get another opportunity.
COREY-NO! Don’t tell me you gave it up!
DREW-Dude, of course not! I wouldn’t do that!
COREY-I nearly soiled myself just now…
DREW-Regardless of your destroyed trousers, I have a feeling that we wont be seeing the last of Troy for awhile.
COREY-Just get home and we can talk more about this. Im about to do a Hot Pocket run.
DREW-I’ll see ya when I get there-
COREY-Hey Drew…?
DREW-Yeah, what’s up?
COREY-(Pauses)…I’m…I’m happy to hear youre okay…
DREW-…thanks Corey. (Hangs up.)


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