Malevolent | Teen Ink


March 8, 2024
By AllOrangee, Downingtown, Pennsylvania
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AllOrangee, Downingtown, Pennsylvania
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Author's note:

This is the first story I’m ever submitting, so bear with me if it’s a little off.

Wake up, eat,do whatever, sleep. 

That was the standard and normal day for 21 year old Thomas. He never had to work, because his family was old and rich. Thomas lived in his own room with a bedroom, bathroom, an unreasonably big closet,  and of course; A maid. He never heard of a retirement plan, the word “job” scared him, and seeing standard people made him feel superior. Thomas was the worst type of human.

One night, his maid cleaned his room without his permission, so he fired her. 

“Please no sir,” the maid cried, getting on her knees and cusping her hands. “I have a son.”

Thomas looked at her and laughed. Not a fake laugh, a genuine laugh. He was enjoying making her plead for forgiveness. The feeling of power gave Thomas an adrenaline rush, because deep down he knew he had zero power.  If anything, his brother had more power than him.

Thomas never saw eye to eye with his older brother . He would get mad at Thomas for using the bathroom and not flushing or washing his hands, and for eating all the food his brother ordered for himself. Thomas was never listening to him at all, though. One night, his brother snapped and shouted at Thomas for the first time. Angered for some reason, Thomas storms in his room and goes to sleep, mumbling about his brother being mean.

When his eyes opened, he was on a grassland that seemed to stretch for  miles upon miles. The sky was a vibrant mix of colors that would never be seen together, such as gray,  green, and yellow. The colors disguised him, made him feel upset. He turned to his left to be met with a man in a black tux and fedora, covering his eyes. The only thing on his face was a smile. In his shirt pocket was a bright red Chrysanthemum .

“What do you crave, Thomas?”

Said the man in all black. 

Thomas was shocked, how did he know his name?  Where was he? Surely he was just dreaming. And if he is, he might as well play along.

confidently Thomas said, “more power.” 

This is just a dream, Thomas thought. 

The man in black smiled at Thomas, nodded, and snapped his fingers. Immediately he woke up back in his bed, but this time his room was more elegant than  before. A red velvet wallpaper took over his once navy blue, and complimenting it was gold  furniture.  Thomas was confused, shocked even. Was he still dreaming? As he was thinking, his brother came into his room, sluggishly. 

“Hey man, I'm sorry for screaming at you. Even though you suck, you're still my brother. Breakfast is ready.” He said, walking away. Not even a second later his brother comes back in, scoping the elegant room in shock and confusion. “How did you..whatever.” he leaves this time, for good.  Immediately,   a wicked grin came over his face. Thomas didn't know how this happened, but he was gonna enjoy this.

The day was simple. Thomas roamed the streets being recognized by everyone, getting free food because of his status, it made him feel like a king. But his parents caught on. 

“Thomas,what is happening? How are you obtaining all this status?” his father said, clearly upset. 

“It's strange,” his mother said, holding her hands together, “did we win the lottery or something? What have you been doing mister?”

His father crossed his arms. “Since you're so famous, you're moving out immediately. Enjoy your last day here.” his father said, smirking. This made Thomas steam, like a teapot. Who was his father telling him what to do? Sure it may be his house, but Thomas was his blood. 

Night soon came. As he was packing, his mother walked in his room.

“I convinced your father to give you until tomorrow. I'm sorry honey, sleep well.” his mother said, smiling. But Thomas waved her away. With a devilish smile, he went to bed.

He woke up in the dream world. And as expected, the man was there.

“What do you crave, Thomas?”

Thomas made eye contact with the man for the first time. His eyes were pitch black, almost as if they were soulless. With a smirk Thomas told the man,

“Kill my father.”

The man snapped his fingers, and he woke up to the sound of his mother and brother crying. Thomas walked to them and saw his dads cold, lifeless body. He died without pain, but Thomas hoped it'd be more..gruesome. 

His mom and brother stare at him. 

“I dont know how..but our father is dead. his brother said.

“What..?” Thomas screamed, fake tears streaming down his cheeks. “ Father was nothing but kind to me, I can't even fathom life without him so soon!” Thomas said, running into his room. 

His brother and mother entered shortly after. 

“You can stay here as long as you want honey.” his mom said, smiling. 

Thomas hugged both of them, they closed their eyes and embraced it, silently crying on him.  But Thomas was not  crying. He wasn't even smiling. He had a goal, for the first time in his life. And that goal was to rule the world.

The next night in the dreamland  he eliminated his mother , making it so she  had a heart attack in order to not draw suspicion from his brother. That night his brother was sitting alone in the kitchen. 

“Hey thomas.” his brother said, with dull eyes. THomas’s brother always had a positive light to him, always making the people around him appreciate life more. But that part of him is dead. 

“Hello. Why are you up so early?” Thomas asked, grabbing a glass of water. 

“Just thinking.” his brother said, staring blankly into nothingness. 

“Oh ok, enjoy that i guess.” Thomas said, chuckling a little. 

His brother watches Thomas walk away, and smiles.  “I'll see you soon, mom and dad.” He says as he walks outside. Thomas heads to his room to sleep, waking up to his brother's lifeless corpse in the backyard, dried blood staining the grass. Luckily for Thomas, the backyard had bushes tall enough to the point nobody saw his brothers suicide.

“Lucky me.” Thomas said, burying his brother in the backyard.

Later in the day, police question Thomas about his family. But because of zero evidence, they give up. 

That night in the dreamland, he noticed the grass was brown and mushy, and the sky was even more revolting. It was a mix of dark brown with orange splashes, and the air smelt like a kid recently threw up. He approached the man in the black suit as usual, and made his demand. 

“Make me king of everything.” 

“A hefty request, but it will be done.” said the man in the black suit. The man was skinnier than usual, and Thomas noticed. 

When Thomas woke up, he noticed a podium outside the sliding door in his room. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered, waiting. 

“Sir, your robes,” said his butler. 

The voice of  a seemingly random man in his house shocked him, but then he started to understand what happened. With a grin on his face, he put on his robes and approached the podium. People clapped and screamed in joy.

“Hello, my people. I'm forever grateful that you all showed up. As we know there are many things I need to do as king. I will make the world a better place!”

The crowd seemed to be in full agreement with his idea of a world ruled by them, and pledged allegiance. He spent his day signing autographs, eating, and relaxing. Later that day, he was creating laws. These laws made it so everyone on planet earth had to submit absolute loyalty to him, give him gifts everyday, or suffer death for them and their family.Thomas was a dictator.

As the days passed, Thomas had everything. The waters, Continents, He owned it all. He had too much money to count, multiple subordinates , and a gold throne as big and obnoxious as his ego.

He decided he wanted to expand his empire to different planets, to even see if that was possible. He went to sleep, woke up in the dream world, but realized something. The sky was blood red, and the once brown, mushy grass was a charcoal black. The man in the black suit stood, menacingly. His hands that were usually behind his back were hanging by his legs, as if he was idle in a video game. 

Thomas wasn't nervous though. He’d done this countless times. What could go wrong?  He walked up and demanded his wish.

“Make me immortal.”

“I'm afraid i won't be doing that. .” the man in the black suit said, his voice was much more dark and gritty than before. 

“What do you mean no, I own you!” Thomas said, stomping his feet like a child. All this power made Thomas the definition of a man baby, it was pitiful.  He flailed his arms and screamed at the top of his lungs.

Thomas’ look transformed from anger to Shock, as the man in the black suit's skin melted off, his suit turned into a rigid and ripped  cloak and the Chrysanthemum turned into a blooded scythe. Thomas never saw anything like this. He couldn't comprehend it. 

“What are you..” Thomas said, skin going white and his veins cold. 

“I do the dirty work of  God. I take souls, righteous or sinful, to purgatory. Where they will be judged for every action they commit. We tested one mortal from every 100 years to see if any could handle this power, and it seems like none of you can but one.” The reaper said, raising his scythe. 

Thomas tried to run, but he couldn't. Staring into the dark abyss of the reaper was almost hypnotic. Peaceful, in a chaotic, deadly way.

And as he lived, Thomas was dead in his sleep. His soul went to purgatory where he met the judge. The room was gray, the only amount of color was the desk and chair of the judge, but even that was just brown. 

“Hey  man, what's your name so I can read your file?? There's a long lime behind you, some idiot gained access to the dreamworld and messed up earth..ohhh.” said the judge, his enthusiastic tone shifting to one of disgust.  “It's you. “

“Get it over with,” Thomas said confidently, “ Hell cant hold me.”

“Oh, I know,” Steve said, “you're not going to hell. You're going to a place much worse. ”  He sighed as he grabbed a lever. 

“ I hope one day we find the one that will take my place. It's been so long.”

“ wait.. What do you mean your place?” Before Thomas could ask more questions, he was transported into  a void, full of darkness. The only thing that Thomas could see was himself.  At first Thomas laughed at this idea. A room of infinite space.   But after a few months, he started to lose his mind. Voices told him terrible things. He felt uncomfortable  in his skin, and shredded parts of it,  revealing only muscle fiber. The pain was unimaginable. For eternity Thomas walked, screamed,  cried, and hurt himself in the void, losing his concept of time and space. 


Centuries past, and Thomas has lost all sense. He is walking aimlessly when a bright orange illuminates the room. Lions roar and there is a statue of hercules. Thomas is freaking out. He hasn't seen color in centuries. As he is trying to process what's happening, he sees a boy with spiky hair, and futuristic clothing.  Thomas, still somehow remembering fragments of English screams at the top of his lungs. 

“HEY! BOY!” but it's futile. The boy looks in his direction  and asks, 

“Who are you,and what's up with your hat?” 

Thomas, realizing the boy isnt talking to him, turns around and sees the reaper. The red eyes that fooled Thomas. He didn't move. It was like he looked in the eyes of medusa. The reaper's red eyes pierce through what's left of  Thomas’s soul, and then they soften and turn to the boy. “What do you crave, Jack?”


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