Feedback on Why My Vote Matters | Teen Ink

Feedback on Why My Vote Matters

December 14, 2018
By Susy_Chavez SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Susy_Chavez SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 5 photos 0 comments

I found "Why My Vote Matters" by Kimberly H. extremely moving because she addresses the decades of hardwork and revolts that made voting possible in the United States. I agree with Kimberly in her claim that voting "will change...future generations" because the educated electorate of today chooses who governs our states, what happens with the education system, and even government officials on the national level. Not only did Kimberly take pride in voting as an American citizen, but being a girl just demonstrates how much more appreciative she is "to change [American] lives for the better" because women had to fight much harder to gain the right to vote. Thank you, Kimberly for reminding me of the true value of living in a democratic country where suffrage is now a given rather than a luxury.


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