How can I be different? | Teen Ink

How can I be different?

February 28, 2019
By Anonymous

For this title, I will pick Google's company. As a CEO of this company, I would bring innovation to disrupt status quo by three ways: reducing my Risky Business, break out of a Status Quo and get everyone on the same page. 

First of all is about reducing my Risky Business. A companies reluctance to change is not due to a lack of resources; it’s risk-averse management. When something new is coming at you constantly, you need to adapt and innovate. It’s important to fail, to learn from those mistakes and get better at recovery. Continuous optimization requires testing multiple approaches at once, discarding the underperformers and doubling down on what works. Companies can overcome risk by creating a culture where people feel comfortable to fail. They are encouraged to try and when, not if, they fall, to get up again. In turn, employees will become empowered to take risks and speak up. Start by finding mechanisms, whether digital, structural, or process, that help build a shared understanding of business priorities and why they matter. Change happens fast and from unpredictable places, and the more context.Once companies start disruptive thinking they will be quicker to resolve problems and drive improvements in customer satisfaction. Listening to customer feedback enhances the future interaction with customers, helps gain a better understanding of customers and will reduce a silos experimentation.
Secondly is break out of the Status Quo. It’s easy for employees to be consumed by day-to-day tasks and lose sight of the bigger picture of the company. It’s difficult to encourage them to break out of their organizational silos and think transformationally. Break-through the traditional ways of doing things and encourage a collaborative culture that disrupts this mindset! Get employees to embrace risk, refocus on customers, start taking interest in other departments and rethinking how you do what you do.
Thirdly, get everyone on the same page also be an important part of the way to be a great CEO. Ask your employees what they believe to be your company’s Why, What and How. Why you do what you do? Hopefully, it’s not all just money driven. But, really diving into why you do what you do, and why that matters to your customer. Otherwise, All of your marketing, all employee communications, all sales collateral, all enabling technologies, all of your people at every customer touchpoint must be fully aligned to bring your brand to life.

Finally, those are my three ways in order to be a good CEO of Google's company. Although, they are just some of a little opinions from a 11th grade student, but I hope that they should be helpful and support for our social perfectly. 

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