Personal Synectics | Teen Ink

Personal Synectics

May 16, 2019
By Anonymous

I am more like a spoon than a knife and a fork. I say this because I like to explore fulfillment. The difference between a spoon and fork is its shape. I don’t stab people in the back, therefore, that’s why I am not a knife or a knife. I tend to hold onto things to feel satisfied or fit in with my friends and family. I also desired to be cared for and nurtured from my family and friends and not get stabbed in the back.

Similar to a spoon,  I am a lock, not a key. Locks hold strong bonds together. These bonds are my friendships and as a lock, I keep them safe in my heart. Also, I want to keep my family safe in my heart as well as my friends.  I also tend to keep my feelings secure in boxes, which makes me somewhat of a mystery.

From that, I am more of a book than a magazine. When you open a book you are a game for exploring new ways of thinking and sharing your ideas. I am an open book if you come to me about something I will try my best to answer your question. With everything that’s happened in my life, I could write about a 400 or more page book. Also, there are so many genres of books that I could write my life about like horror or mystery.

Cities remind me of books, there can be a lot going on in both and once you take the next urn or turn the page you don’t know what's going to happen. I am more like a city because there is a lot of things to handle. Some days my life can be busy and other days can be quiet. I have things to consider in my life just like the city. Cities change throughout the year new things come in and old things disappear.

Lastly, a city reminds me of the month of January. Cities change throughout the year new things come in and old things disappear. I would be in the month of January rather than the month of July. I try to change myself for the year to come and make a better version of myself. I try my hardest to not mess up or fall back but, I end up falling back into what I was doing before.  So I say I am more like a spoon, a lock, a book, a city, and the month of January.

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