Immigration | Teen Ink


May 18, 2019
By dannygirl333 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
dannygirl333 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Immigrants come mainly to America for a better life rather than bad intentions.

Immigration has always been a debatable topic. Whether it should be permitted or not, and its effect on certain people. The view of immigration comes with racism, racial profiling and opposing views on whether immigrants come for a good or bad purpose or reason. Racial profiling comes with the view of almost all immigrants such as Hispanics or African Americans as “bad people”, basing on history in drugs, rape, and other crimes. Although there is history in certain races for crimes in entering America, the idea of immigrants only crossing for “bad” reasons and to “destroy America” it steers away from the real purposes of immigration. People immigrate to America to have a more and better opportunity in education, economic employment, and a safer and better lifestyle for their future and families.

Firstly, education for children has always been huge importance for immigrating families, parents believe their children will be able to receive more opportunity in their future and better learning education than their own countries. In an article by AAC&U News, it states, “All immigrant groups, including those whose members typically arrive in the United States with low levels of education, show strong intergenerational progress on educational attainment.” (AAC&U News) It was proven that immigrants coming in with a lower level of education, tend to exceed when attending a new system of education. Parents sacrifice many risks in immigrating to America so their children can have a better level of education for their futures. Most Americans believe that immigrants come for criminal issues, but it is said, “the data show that, on average, immigrants to the United States have comparable levels of education to native-born Americans, and that they have better health and commit fewer crimes. [...] The children of immigrants, on average, attain or surpass the education levels of children of native-born Americans—even the children of immigrants with low levels of education. Educational attainment is the single strongest predictor of civic participation in immigrant communities.” (AAC&U News). The importance of education affects civic participation along with whether immigrants can become US citizens. The dedication and sacrifices immigrating families make are for the better of their children's own educational future and better lifestyle that they and their family can have to become a US citizen as well.


Secondly, on why immigrants come for better reasons affecting their lives, is economic employment and opportunity. Most countries have a corrupted government or president, in which economic stance or good quality of life isn’t offered for the people of that country. Employment is difficult to come by and salaries are not very good. There is a limited opportunity, resulting in a poor quality of life and areas. In “Justice for Immigrants, We are One Family Under God” it explains the root causes of immigration. It states, “ Economic migration, whether permanent or seasonal, is a commonly cited reason for migration. In general, it is believed that in economic migration people move from poorer developing areas into richer areas where wages are higher and more jobs are available.  It is also common for people from rural areas to move to more competitive urban areas in order to find more opportunities.” (Justice For Immigrants). America has always been known as “the land of freedom” or “the land of opportunity”. In this idea or view towards America, people immigrate to the US for the main causes of being able to have a better job that offers a better salary. In most immigration, it is normally the father who immigrates for a seasonal job, then to return or send money to his loved ones who are still in their country, suffering economic issues and difficulties.

Lastly, for people immigrating to the US, is a better and safer quality of life and the opportunities and benefits. In most countries such as Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras and more, it consists of poor rural areas including unsafe areas and neighborhoods, containing violence and bad people. Ever since the colonial times as well, immigrants came to the US for a better quality of crops, livestock, land, and life. In Immigration Issues by Henry Bischoff, he says, “The settlers who came in the colonial period were attracted primarily by the abundance of land with woods and meadows for farming, raising livestock, and building homes.” (Bischoff 19). Coming to the US still today,  families are able to move away from those dangerous areas, and have their children to grow up in a better environment. The opportunity from immigrants Bischoff mentions as well, is the work ethic contributed to the US. “The tremendous contributions made by immigrants to our national development are undeniable… much of the hard labor required to convert our country from a vast area of underdeveloped resources into the top-ranking industrial nation has been borne by immigrants and their descendants. (Bischoff 37). In this, Bischoff states how immigrants instead of coming to the US to intrude, they actually benefit the country itself with their work ethics and labor.

As a conclusion, although the idea of immigrants to certain people is an image of “bad people” with bad intentions, people immigrate more for better education, economic employment, and a better and safer quality of life, along with benefits and opportunity. The US should allow immigrants to come only with good conduct and purpose, to construct and not destroy. To increase labor benefits for the US, and even increase the high level of education rates, due to the dedication of wanting to learn. This way, immigrants can have more opportunity for their lives, and on the other hand still be able to benefit the US, economically. In this, creating a more fair immigration policy, and for the US to benefit and meet its standards the founding fathers wrote, in dedicating America as the “land of the free and land of opportunity.”

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