Is Prom Really Worth It? | Teen Ink

Is Prom Really Worth It?

May 21, 2019
By LilieVanice BRONZE, Melbourne, Iowa
LilieVanice BRONZE, Melbourne, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Does everyone really love prom? Or is it just a regular night where everyone is dressed up and dances on a dance floor? Prom happens once a year; once prom is in season teenage girls and their moms are stressed to the max. All the boys are ready for it to get over while their mom is worried about ordering a tux. Some families don’t have to worry about prom because their kids think it is overrated and have better things to do. I believe that everyone should at least go to prom once because most people end up regret not going, it's always fun to hang out with friends and have a good time, and if it is not someone's thing then the next year do something else with friends or family. Even though prom causes a lot of stress and money, it's just a high school dance, it doesn’t have to be perfect.

Prom is something that onlys happens once or maybe even a couple times in someone's lifetime. Why not at least try it once? Some people might say it was the worst decision they made in high school but others said they are happy they tried it out. No one will actually know if they will like it or not until they try. Many people who didn’t go regret it because they will never know what it was like and looking back in yearbooks seeing all these photos from prom without them in it makes them feel regretful. Having to look at photos that all of their friends are in and having a good time and to know that they were at home sitting around doing nothing would be pretty heartbreaking. No one would want to feel like that so everyone should be in those photos having a good time and so when they get older they can look back at all the fun times they had a prom.

Sometimes getting out with friends and having fun boosts someone's happiness and reduces stress. Prom is a dance where everyone is dressed up, got their hair and makeup done, boys getting a fresh buzz, and everyone is ready to party. Most of them are ready to get on the dance floor and show off their dance moves. Hanging out with their friends, taking pictures, and making memories is always fun to do. Looking back at prom remembering the fun everyone had and how everyone was so happy brings back good memories. Does anyone really want to remember prom being the night that they stayed home and saw all the pictures on social media of everyone else having fun? I hope not, being at the dance with friends and letting loose should be what everyone would want to do. Make memories to share with others in the future and these memories will remind them of all the fun they had.

Now some people might just really all hate prom and think it is overrated. 59% of Americans think that prom is overrated and 41% say it is important. 53% of people say that they didn't attend their prom and of those people 31% say they missed out on an important experience(Most Americans Don’t Go To). Prom  I can say that prom is expensive, awkward, and a one day thing but if it is not for someone after they tried it then they can find something else to do. Instead of prom go out to eat somewhere fancy or take a small weekend trip. There are many things to do that are cheaper and might be the better option to someone. All I would say is that try it out first to make sure, if it is not someone's thing then they will now know for sure. Even though they think they won’t like it doesn’t mean they won’t,some people are surprised how fun prom really was. Like I said before, no one will ever know until they try.

Many ask “Is prom worth it?”, prom is worth trying even if someone thinks they will not enjoy it at all. Everyone should at least try going to prom at least once because most people end up regretting not going, it's always fun to hang out with friends and have a good time, and if it is not someone's thing then the next year do something else with friends or family. Get out and go dress or tux shopping with friends. Get all dressed up and get a cute date, it might be one of the highlights of high school. 

The author's comments:

I am a 9th grader from Baxter High School! I have been back and forth about going to prom or not, reshearching about prom and if it is really worth it made me feel like everyone shoud try!

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