Inexplicable | Teen Ink


May 22, 2019
By Anonymous

What is the conceptualization of life as we know it? We are not oblivious to the reiteration of how our lives are perceived. You’re conceived, you accumulate in age, you breed, your kin no longer needs to be infantilized, your will to live eventually desists, then you come to the realization that no one is immortal. And it's perplexing, because why must you strive to achieve something as inconsequential as your work being taken into consideration?  Regardless, death is inevitable and you'll eventually have to acquiesce, no matter how disenchanting your thoughts make it seem. And perhaps it is safe to say that the only thing that won't be taken into “consideration” is your eulogy.

The author's comments:

"Reb" is only a pseudonym, my surname initial, however, is not fabricated. Long story short, my name is actually Brianna Mcleach. There are two primary reasons as why I would not like to disclose my true identity. Gosh, that makes me sound like a superhero. One, my bestfriend and I yearn to be potential journalists. She is unaware of the profession I'd like to pursue. Writing is my admiration and I get A LOT of recognition at my educational facility (yes I indeed called it that) from teachers and administrators overall regarding my writing. You see, I am not one to boast, I keep it to myself I broadcast my writing to rarely anybody. They wanted to place me into AP English, however, they said it was for juniors (I am a sophomore) only and how I could be given the opportunity to take it next year. Before I resume digressing about the former discussion, I'd like to state that that is not the only reason as to why I chose a fictitious name. I am genuinely a confidential person and I would not like to broadcast my name just yet, presumably in the future. This description is rushed, this is not how I actually write. However, feel free to critique, I self-proclaim myself as "kewl" and "understanding", so I won't really take it the wrong way if you don't consider my writing eligible enough to be published. I am just glad I withheld enough temerity to even do something like this. I hope you guys like it, if not that's fine too. I am kinda self-deprecating, so I am hereby remorseful if you keep acknowledging my doubts. Oh gosh, the images on here or so dull, I get that they're prohibited but I was honestly looking for something morbid. Oh well


Thank You, 


P.S. (this is like my 3rd time rewriting this, it keeps getting deleted)

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