Why We Need Idols | Teen Ink

Why We Need Idols

May 24, 2019
By Anonymous

 Recently I have noticed that without someone that you can look up to, you never find out how far you can go. I see this in many friends, some of them don't have any idols to look up too, and without this, they fall and can never reach their full potential. I was talking to a friend a couple of days ago, I was asking them why they were so down during school that week, and why they didn't want to hang out. The reply I got was "I didn't feel like it." Now some people might say that he is having other problems in his family or outside, but I know this person and they have a loving family and supportive family. His problem was that he didn't like his old idol, and hasn't found another. The idols that we look up too makes us push ourselves to be like them. With this pushing, we find things that we wouldn't have ever found before. But you also need to find the right idol for you.

First, you need someone that has their own goals.

 If you find someone with their own goals, they will always strive to be better. This means that this person can always be able to look up too, which means you always have something to look up too A article from Harvard Business Review talks about leaders and idols, they wrote “The first priority of leadership is to engage the right people, at the right times, to the right degree in creative work,” So not only are you looking for someone to follow, but the idol is looking for followers. They want people to follow them to give them motivation to strive to be better. This all starts with them being a leader and finding the right people for them to follow. Which means that you as the follower is helping the person strive to be better by trying to be better yourself following them.

Second, children need the right role model

Child in this day are spending most of their time on social media, so it's very important for them to choose the right role model for them. Children are still growing and need someone to look up too for their own growth. It's hard for children in middle school because of that's the time that they start to notice what is acceptable from their peers. Common sense media wrote “Negative role models -- especially ones who don’t suffer consequences from their actions -- cab encourage anti-social behavior, stereotypes, and even curly.” So having someone who the kids can look up to in a good way can help their growth in a positive manner. But if they end up with the wrong role model, they will start to isolate themselves from anyone and everything. This can be very harmful to the growing mind as it will keep this ideal throughout adulthood. So choosing  

Third, this person that you look up too should be a good person

What I mean by "good person" is that they care for others around them, such as family, girlfriend or boyfriend and more. This person shouldn't be going around breaking rules just because. They should have a valid reason to do it. They also don't go and double cross someone. If they are true to someone they should be. They shouldn't be someone who acts like they are part of something just to stab them in the back. They also protect what's theirs, they don't give in. healthy guidance supports this answer when they wrote: “A good role model should be someone har working, creative, free-thinking and moral.” This website provides ways in which we can help ourselves by following some of the things they say. They are saying that our role models need to be good people because we look up to them and try and follow them. So we will more than likely do what they do.

In conclusion, we all need idols. Whether their our parent’s, step-parents, grandparents, or someone random, we need them in order to improve ourselves. These people are the ones that have their own goals to improve themselves so you always have someone to better your self. And by trying to better yourself, you're helping your idol become better. The idols are the ones to shape us up in our young stages while our minds are still growing. This person should also be a good person and someone that you want to become yourself. These people are the ones who shape us into who we will become. They help us grow into an adult, and they are the ones who give us something to work for.

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