Vice and Virtue | Teen Ink

Vice and Virtue

November 13, 2019
By Ally2400e BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
Ally2400e BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

ersonally, I believe my most prominent vice is my attitude. By my attitude, I am referring to the bad outlook I have on life. When faced with new experiences, I always go into them assuming I will not enjoy myself. I have extreme respect for people with positive attitudes; I am often a very pessimistic person, though I try not to be. On occasion, I will get irritated with people who are trying their hardest to make me happy. For instance, one example of this has to do with my mother. One weekend, I had left my house to stay with a friend in Mississippi; when we returned home on Sunday, my mother was in the middle of cooking. I walked into the kitchen and she excitedly asked, “Did you get my text?” I then responded with, “Oh my God, no!” I said this to my mother in a very rude and obnoxious tone. She then informed me that she had only asked because a makeup palette she had bought as a surprise for me had arrived to the house, and she wanted to give it to me. I felt extremely bad and apologized profusely, but I had already hurt her feelings. From this moment on, I recognized that the way I speak to people is impolite; I now try not to speak to people in this manner, but occasionally I will have a slip up. This vice is something I can fix, and I strive to do so. 

Also beginning with the letter “A,” my virtue is ambition. I work extremely hard at everything I do, no matter the task. Though I understand many people long for a good career, I am willing to fight for the career I want. I aspire to be a lawyer later on in life, and I am constantly attempting new activities I believe will better my education. On one occasion in particular, my ambition shone through; this past summer I attended a law program that was put on by the Louisiana Bar Association. At the end of the program, all the students took place in a mock trial; although I was scared, I gave the opening argument, and we won the case! My ambition plays a huge part in my life and encourages me to work hard in school. I have wanted to be a lawyer since the second grade and nothing can stand in my way; I am willing to do whatever it takes to get there. I have a great desire to succeed in life, and I believe with my ambitious personality, I can do amazing things.

The author's comments:

This piece is about myself

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