World Peace | Teen Ink

World Peace

December 18, 2020
By Anonymous

Have you ever thought about why we can not achieve world peace? Well it is not as simple as people being nice to each other. Because we are always going to have people with different thought processes. The only real way for tranquility is for everyone to respect other peoples’ opinions. But as seen from World War 1,2, and the Vietnam war that is impossible. One modern day example is the 2020 election, which has caused so much violence in the country. Evidently even if world peace is attainable we will not get it for many decades or centuries. World peace is not only peace between countries or continents, it is peace in your hometown. No matter where you live whether it is Dayton, Ohio to Los Angeles, California there will be violence. Even something that is small like hate speech is not World Peace. Some people who believe that world peace is not attainable or people who do, they may not think in depth enough about the subject. For example, when people hear about World Peace they think about war between countries. The real definition of peace according to is,”a stress free state of security and calmness that comes when there’s no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom. When you feel at peace with yourself, you are content to be the person you are, flaws and everything.”. Three of the main reasons that World Peace is not attainable is: politics, culture and religion.

One reason as to why world peace is not attainable is because of politics. Politics is the concept of who has more power and how much they have. Politics covers everything in life, like business or the environment. The reason politics can vary so much with how people view it is because it is subject to interpretation. Everyone can have their unique opinion on what they believe and to what extent. A modern day example of this is how the United States is a democracy and our whole government revolves around the people and voting. While other governments such as North Korea revolve around dictatorship and one person controlling the government. The Cold War is a good example of how politics plays into World Peace because it is two governments with two vastly different ideas. According to editors the reason the Cold War started is,”Americans had long been wary of Soviet Communism and concerned about Russian leader Joseph Stalin's tyrannical rule of his own country.”. That plays into politics because Communism is about how everyone is equal and everyone shares. While democracy is based on people working to earn their money and buy what they could afford. Also, World War 1 started because a political leader named Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. He was assassinated from a terrorist group because they did not want Austria-Hungary to rule over Bosnia anymore. These are many examples as to how politics plays a role in World Peace.

Secondly, world peace is not attainable because of culture. The definition of culture from Webster is,”: the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group.”. This plays into World peace because from how you are raised as a child determines how you view the world from outside your country. For example, people who were born in the United States were raised to believe that countries such as North Korea are our enemy. Which works vice versa for North Korea because according to Je Son Lee he thought,” Americans are so individualistic and selfish that I found it shocking. I saw a family at a restaurant split the bill.”( This shows that countries use kids to their advantage with their education to “brainwash” them into believing anything they want them to believe. Which is why this world as a whole has so many different cultures in so many different countries it is hard to comprehend. Why else do you think the United States has history class and mainly teaches about their history. Not only for pride in their country but also learning from the past. Another example of how countries use education to their advantage is have you ever heard of a war that the United States lost? For example, we lost the Vietnam war but nobody talks about it. Now all of this ties into world peace because we were taught to hate and love from birth when in reality we should have been taught to forgive people.

Lastly, we cannot achieve World peace because of religion. When I say that I do not blame religion for not having peace. What I mean is that people disagree with each other about what religion is right or wrong when nobody 100 percent knows. Disagreeing is a part of life but sometimes it gets violent. For example, The battle for Jerusalem (religious territory) happened in December of 1947-48, which had a total of around 1,300 deaths. This relates to religion because it was fought between two religions which were Jews and Arabs. Now this was not the first time this has been fought over, according to,” Throughout its history, the city has been destroyed at least 2 times, attacked 52 times, besieged 23 times, and recaptured 44 times.”. A more renown example is World War 2. In that war Germany’s Chancellor Adolf Hitler pushed anti-semitism throughout all of Germany and also tried to kill all of the Jews and other races and religions. Those are many examples as to why religion is a cause to War.

On the other hand, some people may say that World Peace is attainable and that we just have to make peace and amends with each other. While that is true if everyone wants to make amends, but there are always going to be people out there who bring hatred. Why I say that is because nobody thinks the exact same. Everyone has different thought processes. Whether it is about something small or something controversial. A modern day example would be abortion or gay rights. How you feel about those controversial topics is partly because of what time period you were born in. For example, if you were born in the 50s or 60s when you grew up it was not common for someone to be gay or bisexual. So growing up around that time period you might be hesitant about the idea. Peace throughout the World is like a marathon but you go halfway, then you go halfway of that getting closer to the finish but never reaching the line.

To conclude, World peace is not completely achievable but by the year we get closer and closer to it. We cannot just view something from one side of the story whether it is politics, culture or religion. Politics works into peace because people have different views on what the World should be, and sometimes it gets violent. But it is a different side for culture. Culture works into peace because we are groomed from birth being told what to believe whether it is from our education or our parents. For religion it works into peace because it is all about what higher power someone believes in. In the end we just need to be respectful of what people believe in. Because we are not here for a long time we are here for a good time.

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