Reputation | Teen Ink


March 5, 2021
By Anonymous

A reputation may decide your whole life and decide how successful you may become. The way people see you affects your social life and causes your reputation to have a good or bad outcome. A reputation is important because it can set you up for success or failure in the future. Your social life and who you choose to associate yourself with will drastically affect how other people see you.
The way people appear physically can affect their reputations and it can also affect their social life. When people go to job interviews they dress nicely and look presentable because it gives them a better physical appearance. It proves my point that if they don’t have a good physical appearance it could affect their chances of getting the job and look like they have a bad reputation. In school, the way you dress can also affect your reputation because it shows how you want to present yourself to classmates and how you want them to view your success. It proves my point because someone wearing jeans and a nice top with their hair done and makeup is way more put together looking than someone with messy hair and sweats. The way people choose to appear in public, whether it is based on a job or just going to school, affects your reputation.
Emotional appearance can also affect your social life and the reputation you give off. Your facial expressions towards someone can set a facial trait as to how people view you. If you always walk around school with an angry look people are going to see you as an angry person, even if you aren’t always like that. The facial expressions affect your reputation and can affect your social life because people won’t want to be around someone who is always angry. If you go to work with a negative attitude all the time and are constantly bringing people down, you are going to be none as a Debbie-downer. People will give you a bad reputation for having a bad emotional appearance towards others. It proves my point because people at school who are negative and angry don’t have a good social life, due to the way they portray their physical appearance. All types of appearances affect the outcome of your social life and how people view your reputations. It matters because you would hopefully want to set good examples for others and have a good reputation. You should care what people think about you.
People don´t need to have a good social life to have a good reputation. If you have a bad reputation you can still easily talk to people. Having good social skills or being wealthy could allow you to get by with a bad reputation. My claim is better because yes it could still be easy to talk to people if you have a bad reputation other people might not want to talk to you as much or be your friend. Others could just be using you for your wealth if you don’t have a good reputation but come from a wealthy family when that is all you have to offer.
There are so many ways your reputation can affect your social life and how you are seen from others' points of view. People should care about this care because they should want others to like them and see you as someone to look up to in life. It's important to have a positive view of the world, not getting talked about poorly. People can think before they do this to remain with a good reputation. Always try and have a good physical appearance and always be positive. Put yourself around good people who you want to be associated with not the wrong crowd. This will help keep your reputation and social life in check.

The author's comments:

I go to high school. 

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