Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

March 22, 2021
By Anonymous

Leadership is the word that comes to mind when I hear my name, Joseph. Joseph is a biblical, used throughout the history of the bible, and is also the name for the legal father of Jesus. 

Joseph was a very humble and disciplined man. I feel that carries strongly over to me as a person whether it is between leadership within my family, discipline, or being humble. These are all traits that represent me.

To start, discipline has been shown throughout my life. My parents were a huge part of this when they taught me that I cannot be stupid or do whatever I wanted. Whether it is taking my phone away when I have bad grades or getting sent to my room as a kid because I decided it was okay to talk back. These were examples of how I was taught to obey the rules and be told that I cannot do whatever I want.

 Someone who is humble does not boast about themselves but rather shows a more modest act of who they are. Humbleness can be a trait that is harder to learn, especially when you have others around you that love to express how good they are at everything. But, that is where you show that your actions can speak louder than your words. 

Throughout my childhood, my father was a man filled with integrity and always said, “The more humble we stay, the more God blesses us.” 

Lastly is leadership. Joseph is known to be the leader of the family which I feel I have to carry. While I may not be being the mother or the father... I am the oldest child so it applies well to me and my siblings. They are the ones who are looking up to me and following what I do. Both my brother and sister follow in my footsteps and look to me to be the one who can lead them in the right direction as they grow older. 


Joseph is a very special and descriptive name for me I have come to learn. It is both significant in the bible and with god but also has many traits that help represent who I am and what I strive to be as I continue to grow older.

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I play hockey and lacrosse

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