Moving Sucks | Teen Ink

Moving Sucks

April 22, 2021
By Ewilliams BRONZE, Dublin, Texas
Ewilliams BRONZE, Dublin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever moved before? Well I have and

I think it's awful, so let me tell you about it.

   In my opinion, moving is awful because you might have to leave the place you love the most. Although moving may seem fun to other people. It's not for me because I've been moving my whole life and it's not fun. For example, you might have to leave your hometown. I got a big pool and a trampoline and, these are things I've never had before but, moving isn't fun when you lose everything and have to start from scratch, which isn't fun at all.

   To sum it up moving may be fun for other people but most of the time it's not. It makes me sad when I move.

The author's comments:

I've Moved My Whole Life.

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