Sri Lankan Spices | Teen Ink

Sri Lankan Spices

July 29, 2021
By Methmi PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
Methmi PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
49 articles 15 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
“When things get hard, stop for awhile and look back and see how far you’ve come. Don’t forget how rewarding it is. You are the most beautiful flower, more than anyone else in this world.”

The aromatic or pungent vegetable substances can be known as spices. I hope, you will not pass to find any dish which is free of spices. In your kitchen, you may see a rack seperated for bottles full of spices, and also you may have noticed that we add a tiny amount of it for the dish we are supposed to taste. Though we add a very less amount, you should know that those are the best tastes which your tongue touches. Also, before you touch the food by tongue, I am sure your nose will grab the food because of the aroma given by the spices.

Do you think that spices are only to make food smell good or to make it more delicious? No, not only for those, but also it makes us physically fit. As spices are mostly used in Sri Lanka, doctored have proved that the immunity of Sri Lankans are higher than other nations. Sri Lankans use spices such as cinnamon, cloves, ginger, corriander, mastard,pepper, garcenia etc...You may find out that different kinds of spices give you different tastes. 

Spices such as Cinnamon, Ginger, Pepper will give you a hot taste while a bitter taste is given by spices as Fenugreek. You will see that your facial expressions may turn into a sourface expression when you taste spices as Garcenia and Tamarind which are so sour because of the high acidic condition prevailing in those

Today, Sri Lanka is leading in the industry of exports because of the richness of these spices. Most Asian and Europian countries recieve spices from Sri Lanka. If you visit around Sri Lanka, many lands with spices cultivations can be seen but unfortunately greenary of the environment is decreasing due to the prevailing condition of the country. The status of the health, economy of the country is being affected by the global pandemic. We can see some of the spices which can be so easily cultivated in Sri Lanka are imported. If we consider the histoey of the Sri Lankan spices, we may see that English and the Dutch people wanted to make Sri Lanka as a colony of them because of the value of Sri Lankan spices. So, if we promote this industry, Sri Lanka's economy will reach to the international levek through this industry. Sri Lankans, It's our time to determine this target!

The author's comments:

About the Culture of Spices in Sri Lanka. I wish to share cultural knowledge with all my readers.

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