What not to do- I'm talking to you | Teen Ink

What not to do- I'm talking to you

September 26, 2021
By Anonymous

please no run on sentences like this because their really annoying and also please use paragraphs otherwise it's all a big block of text and it's hard to tell when your starting a new idea or a new person is talking and also paragraph breaks add feeling sometimes just like background music and punctuate also their is not there is not they're/your is not you're/two is not too is not to/oh and don't break you're lines with slashes/see how annoying it is oh and capitalize proper nouns- i get irritated when you dont and by the way add apostrophes oh and dont use lots and lots of extraneous words and check you're spellign




        Please don't use run on sentences. They're really annoying. Also, please use paragraphs. Otherwise, it's all a big block of text and it's hard to tell when you're starting a new idea or a new person is talking. Paragraph breaks add feeling, just like background music.

        Punctuation is important, too. Speaking of "too," their is not there, which isn't they're, your is not you're, and two is not too which is also not to. Oh, and don't break your lines with slashes. Capitalize proper nouns- I get irritated when you don't. By the way, add apostrophes and check your spelling. Choose your words carefully. Sometimes less is more.

        Have fun writing!

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