My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

September 29, 2021
By Anonymous

My nickname is JayJzay. This comes from the first letter of my name, J, to the first pronunciation of the name Joque. It doesn't make sense how it came to be, but it just happened and I accepted it.

The only people that can pronounce it right and call me it fully are my brothers. They usually call me when they need me for something not as important or serious. I think it’s a pretty unique name and how it came to be my name is an interesting story.

My name didn’t just end here though. The first time I got a gaming system, I was presented with an easy, but not so easy question: my username. Unless you have a set username that you have used for years, you always ponder on the idea of what you want to be called for the rest of your life online. I walked into my brothers’ room across the hall and was greeted nicely by all three of them sitting on their beds. “I’m lost,” I said in defeat. I jumped up onto the bed and laid there, staring at the wall. 

All of them knew what I was talking about and started to name off ideas, “JJ? flying muffins? Maybe just Jacob?”

I sat in silence, declining all their offers. It needs to be perfect, I thought, perfect.

Through trial and error, one of my brothers said, “You’ll figure it out, JayJzay.”

“Yes!” I screamed maybe a little too loud, “that’s it. That's the one.” I took out a piece of paper trying out all the ways to spell it and I finally landed on the spelling, JayJzay. Not only was it perfect, but it was unique.

The author's comments:

It's good

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