KINDNESS! | Teen Ink


November 22, 2021
By Anonymous

Where has our society’s kindness gone?

Kindness. Such an underrated word. Some people in our society today have no hearts. No emotion. No soul left to be kind. People don’t realize what others are going through. Everyone’s fighting their own battles. A smile. A wave. Even eye contact can mean the world to someone’s day. Sometimes you find that one gem of a person. That one person who’s in front of you in line who’ll buy your coffee for you. Or the one who’ll compliment your new shirt. Kindness goes a long way and many people don’t even realize it. 

Our society has lost this concept. For example, the Kyle Rittenhouse case. The Waukesha parade case. People are afraid to go to events and to walk outside their houses. Parents are afraid to send their children to school and their teenagers to work. Parents try to teach their kids from a young age to be kind to others. To share, be nice, hands to yourselves, to smile to others, and especially when people are mean, you spread love and kindness. Where has that gone? What happened to those lessons? 

I love the act of kindness: compliments. I’ve committed to myself that whenever I’m out in public, I make it a challenge to compliment 10 people I see. Whether they’re in line with me, the cashier, walking by, or standing there. It’s an unspoken challenge in my brain. But whenever I compliment someone, their face lights up. Their eyes get big, and their spirits lift. You can completely tell that they are instantly happier, and have the desire to go compliment someone else. Compliments are a domino effect. Once someone receives a compliment, and they instantly feel better about themselves, they’ll compliment someone else. It’s so refreshing for your soul too when you know you’ve made someone’s day! 

I challenge every reader to complement anyone you see. Instead of saying their outfit is really cute in your head, say it to their face. Trust me, it’ll feel good for you and for them! 

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