The Outcasts | Teen Ink

The Outcasts

December 2, 2021
By Anonymous

Vampires, werewolves, bigfoot, and even dinosaurs are all categorized as fearsome and threatening creatures; however, the word monster describes them best. Make believe or real, monsters have always been a nuisance to society. Unfairly, they have been labelled the villain. The definition of the word monster is not as straightforward as it seems and I have found that my own stipulative definition of it may be unique.

The misknown word derived first from old French. It was defined as a human or animal that had been malformed or a creature that had been afflicted with birth defects. ‘Monster’ has undergone an extensive journey throughout the course of centuries to now become the present day definition. Currently it describes imaginary, unearthly, and vile creatures. But, I believe this is the true definition: something or someone that has been mistreated, misunderstood, or deemed an alien. This word belongs to the outcasts, the maltreated, the misjudged, the people that society has shunned. This word belongs to them. 

The word monster is often improperly used. It does not represent something repulsive, ugly, and terrifying but rather something beautiful, yet undiscovered. They are butterflies before they hatch, dusty and forgotten. A common mistake is the nefarious role monsters play in horror films. The movie Dracula is a prime example of this aberration. The main character, Count Dracula, preys on young females by sucking their life and blood while soon after abandoning them as newly created vampires. In contrast, the movies Monster Inc. and Beauty and the Beast have done an impeccable job at showcasing the protagonist facet of so-called ‘monsters.’ In the Monsters Inc. realm, two monsters tasked with frightening humans are faced with an odd situation when they find a little girl. Throughout the course of the movie, the two monsters begin to adore and love the child that coincidently came into their lives. As the movie progresses, the two monsters and infant form an irreplaceable bond in which the monsters would gladly lay down their lives to protect the child. As for Beauty and the Beast, a young woman confronts a monster who had taken her father captive for stealing something precious of his. The woman makes a bargain to let her father go if she stays in return. The monster agrees. As time goes on, the young woman learns more about her captor and realizes her previous prejudices were invalid. She had learned that the beast was surprisingly compassionate and generous; he had only been greatly misunderstood. This is the case with most monsters. They are judged too quickly.

Monsters can come in the form of trusting media viewers. The media itself is not a monster but instead, the spectators who are conned into believing lies. These audiences are bombarded with toxic ideas that dictate how they should look, think, and act. These victims have become monsters created by a destructive society. Countless viewers are being deceived into thinking they are not enough. Lies are shoved down their throats making it next to impossible for them to think for themselves. Some are misled so thoroughly that they don’t even notice they’ve evolved into a monster. Society and the media have created numerous monsters who are deprived of originality and are told what to think. 

People who struggle with mental health can be considered monsters. There are people who go away to war and fight for someone else’s freedom and come home to judgement and mistreatment for not returning the same. There are people who are born with mental health disorders like autism or schizophrenia that are treated unfairly and considered outcasts just because they are different from the norm. Society does not take the time to understand such people. For this, these people are considered monsters for they too have been mistreated, looked down upon, or rejected. 

In a sense, the planet that sustains the human population is a monster. This particular monster has been mistreated for centuries and has become nothing more than an afterthought for most. The earth is a nourishing monster that unconditionally cares for its abusers. Everyday activities that do not spur a second thought to humans cause this monster grief. Simple tasks such as driving a car, utilizing paper to complete a homework assignment, or drinking from a plastic bottle are just several examples of numerous actions that can be harmful to the earth. It is important to note that this monster is commonly overlooked but is still, by definition, a monster.

Through different insights I have learned that a monster can be evil or righteous, amiable or hostile, conceited or humble, and a protagonist or antagonist. To me, monsters are people that are judged at first glance and misinterpreted. They are the wrongfully accused villains. The word monster has quite a few definitions depending on the certain perspective. This world’s language is continually in flux. It is vital to be aware of the present language because it has an extensive impact on the way this world communicates and expresses ideas.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write this piece because I simply don't like the connotation of the word monster. I believe that most monsters are just misunderstood beings that have been cursed for being different. I am aware that there are numerous real monsters that are cruel and cold-hearted beings. But, my article is not for them. My article was written for the ones that are just plainly maltreated and forgotten. I wrote this article so these monsters could be seen. 

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