Composition Final | Teen Ink

Composition Final

January 19, 2022
By Anonymous

Something that I have been contemplating recently is quitting my job at Jilly’s. I’ve been thinking about making this decision for a few weeks but I just don’t see myself quitting this early. One of the main reasons I was considering quitting was because of the management. 

When I first started at Jilly’s my manager was Mike. He was the manager in Pewaukee for quite a while and everything was running smoothly. That was until our newest location in Glendale was finally done being built. For some reason Mike was sent over to Glendale and the assistant manager in Pewaukee, Kevin, got promoted to Manager. I much preferred Mike over Kevin because he was the one who showed me how to basically do everything when it came to prepping the cars or using the computer to help a customer.

August 1st was Kevin’s promotion and once that day came, he was running the show. He felt the need to constantly get mad at the really small things and talk about other employees behind their backs. One day in the middle of August we were busy as usual and were scrubbing bugs like we were supposed to. At some point during the day, Kevin shoves the door open, Crash! The door hits the wall and all of us were confused at first. Kevin then yells, “I just got a really bad complaint about bugs not being done on this person's car.” Pointing at me he goes, “I want you to switch with Javin right now!” 

I personally thought this was unnecessary to yell at us in the first place. If he just came over to me and just asked for me to switch with Javin right now, it wouldn’t be bad. Working with Kevin was like teaching a cat to swim. Cats usually freak out about water and Kevin would freak out over someone missing 2 bugs on a car that just wouldn’t come off.

Another reason I think that Kevin didn’t do a good job was because he would constantly call people off when it was completely unnecessary. It happened about 3 weeks in a row that Kevin would call off the same person every Sunday. Sundays and Mondays are the days that Kevin didn’t work so he didn’t know how busy it was. But the same person would constantly get called off. There was one Sunday in particular where it was only me and two other people. The person who got called off always worked a 10-6, which we needed but he was never there.

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