Dear Myself, | Teen Ink

Dear Myself,

January 19, 2022
By Anonymous

There's so much advice I want to give my future self. I don't feel as if I could ever be wiser than my future self, but I could just remind her of who I want to be. 

Stress. Don't stress so much. There is healthy stress and there is over the top stress. There are times in life that are going to work out at some point. Yes, there are some things that you should worry about, such as school because it can motivate you well. But there are things that aren't worth your time. The more we stress, the faster I sense time goes by. We don't appreciate the times we have because we suffer as if everything is against us. I am already a junior but it's as if just yesterday I was roaming the hectic hallways as a freshman. Don't get lost in the heat of it all, enjoy life for what it is. In the end, it will work out.

Social. Be social! You are going to grow up in a blink of an eye. You are going to want to have more friends and take a leap of faith. Hang out with new people. Being social is such an important thing to life and you are going to look around you at all the great friendships other people have made and wish that you had the opportunity to do the same thing. And you did, you just missed it. You don't have to be Regina George and pretend to be friends with everybody, but have some sort of unique thing about you that people want to be with. 

Senior. This word could mean something different to you than it does to me. But the word senior makes me observe as if I still have another year. I have another year to show high school who I am or who I want to be. I don't know when you will ever read this letter. It could be tomorrow, next semester, next year, or the day before graduation. But whenever you do read it, you still have time to change. To be the person you want people to think about you. Don't let time stand in the way of who you want to become. 

While I was re-reading this, I know you're going to think the whole thing sounds so cheesy. But I wouldn't want you to think about it any other way. As harsh as I was in the letter for you to change. At the same time, I love who you are and you came to be. I think you are funny, caring, and hardworking. Don't change the good things. Of course, everyone has room for improvement but you change only if you want to. 

The author's comments:

In this piece I wrote some things that I want my future self to remember. 

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