The way life goes | Teen Ink

The way life goes

January 19, 2022
By Anonymous

One, five, eight, and seventeen. Throughout our lives we go through many years– the majority and best possibly still yet to come–. We all have good years and bad years, but that doesn’t mean we could label them as better or worse. Without the bumpy years, I wouldn’t be where I am today so looking back now I wouldn’t trade them for anything better or worse. Our struggles form who we are like an old stone sculpture slowly comes to life.

Could I be living a better life right now? When I ask myself that the answer always seems to be yes, but I am happy where I’m at, and just knowing the struggles some people go through just to live life every day it makes me realize how good I actually have it. I never go to sleep hungry, I always have a warm bed to sleep in, and I have great supportive people around me. So compared to a lot of people I am living that “better life” and I hope that I never take what I have for granted because to so many people it means so much. Things fly right over our heads, easy access to freshwater whenever we need, whatever food we could possibly want, a million different places to go shop and be entertained. Even though sometimes our struggles feel insurmountable we really do have so many different outlets to deal with them when many people in the world do not. Sometimes it feels like a wall just smacks you right in the face but you cannot let that knock you down.

The author's comments:

Its just how I feel about life.

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