The Staircase | Teen Ink

The Staircase

January 23, 2022
By al11 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
al11 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Parents often compare their children to others. They place their children’s weak points next to another’s shining points, as if putting a broken lightbulb next to a bright, luminous one  and asking which one is better. Everyone shines in their own way, so it is pointless to compare them. It is normal to want your child to be as good as possible, so this leads to subconsciously comparing or reminding that there are people better than their own children, hoping to see improvement. Except, most of the time the outcome is the opposite. From a child’s point of view, they hear “You are not good enough.” One after another, self-degrading thoughts enter their minds as the child walks down a spiraling staircase of negativity. As more comparisons are made, their mentality slowly becomes worse and worse as the staircase continues endlessly. It is easy to compare a child to another, but setting extreme expectations will only be a burden and will set unnecessary stress onto their small shoulders. 

The author's comments:

Whenever my own parents compare me to another, it really affects my self esteem and my overal   mood. I wanted to show what a child feels when a parent compares them to another and to show how hurtful it is. 

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