Keep Your Teens Protected | Teen Ink

Keep Your Teens Protected

May 12, 2022
By Anonymous

We should all start following the others and let teens get dangerous birth controls and implants that prevent pregnancy that will mess up their well being and health. It should come to now surprise that the younger parents are allowing their teens to get birth control. Just because they failed to have abstinence doesn’t mean their kids should have to take drugs in which their parents failed to do so. According to (Source?), “That's why virtually all women aged 15-44 who have ever had sexual intercourse have used at least one contraceptive method.” When it comes to getting IUD’s, birth control or the day after pill that adults should be allowed to get magically end up in teens hands, what's worse is the fact that laws are now looking into if they should have access or not. “Yesterday [in September 2014] the American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP] issued a new recommendation that physicians promote the progestin implant and the intrauterine device (IUD) for teen girls.”(Source?). The law may think they are right, but they should at least have parents vote for a side before legalizing it or forcing it upon teens. It should be the parents’ choice if their child gets implants or drugs that can affect the mental and physical health of teens. 

Putting your kid on birth control is wrong because they should have self control or abstinence in their life. To know that having to make sure you're on some type or birth drug is wrong. There are 86- 91% of women who are sextually active (Source?). Approximately 65% of those women ages fifth through forty-nine are using contraception methods to avoid pregnancy. Even though it may seem easier to just pop a pill after or one every day, there are other choices when it comes to getting rid of a soul inside you. You could look at the options of adoption. You could go through something magical and bond with the person growing inside you but if that’s not what you want you could put the child up for adoption and give them a life they deserve without throwing them to the trash without even knowing them. 

“Imagine a young coed walking into her neighborhood pharmacy to pick up oral contraceptives. She uses the medication not for purposes of birth control but as part of the treatment of a fairly common hormonal disorder which impacts her appearance, as well as the regularity of her menstrual cycle.”. When a young lady or woman goes on birth control pills or implants it can affect their periods and mess with their estrogen levels. Men say we’re moody already imagine if that were to be more affected by a drug. With unleveled estrogen levels it can cause irregular or heavy periods along with that it can cause weight gain, fatigue, and fibroids in females. What's worse is when it happens to men, why you may ask because it can cause breast tissue growth. Other than all the things teens are usually critisized about, it can be associated with mood swings and irritability. Having low levels of estrogen can cause depression and trouble concetraing. How would a teaccher like that? Do you really think teens should have added depression along with anxiety adn stress caused by school work, classmates, and teachers. 

Parents should be more scared knowing that their children are sextually active and can now get sextually transmitted disesses. You would only hope that your teens don’t have to face that but there are more and more teens having sextual interaction every day. If you were a parent would you be able to handle knowing if your kid has any types of aids and would you be able to handle if they had an uncurable on? Having to get them tretment when this could have been avoided with abstinence or protection. Most teens tend to think that borth control can protect them from any harmful aids if they aren’t well educated. 

Yes teen pregmacy is can be scary and you may want to live your life out to the fullest and have a stable career before you even think about kids but the truth is that just because you have kids at a young age doesn’t mean your life is over. “ birth control pills, are basically small doses of hormones that, when taken on a daily basis, prevent a woman's body from releasing an egg into the fallopian tube, thus preventing a pregnancy from beginning.”. Yes it may go a little bit slower than others but it doesn’t mean you need to stop it fully. My mother was one of those teen mother with my oldest brother when she was nine-teen but she keept pushing through. With the right support group around her she got through it she got a stable job, continued college and got a masters degree. Just because you're young doesn't mean you can’t do it even when that support group may have not included a dad in it. They found a way through all the hard times and mad them better. 

To sum up everything that has been stated teens should not rely on birth control as an easy way out of things. They should be able to face what they bring to their sleeves or practice abstinence because that's what all parents hope for their kids. You should be able to keep you teens safe and instead young parents ar epromoteing in making the unhealthy by resorting to unsafe drugs and implants. It is fair to say popping a pill after sealing a deal is not a resolution for a teen. 









Works Cited

Guttmacher Institute. "Contraceptive Coverage Protects Women's Health." Women's Health, edited by Lynn M. Zott, Greenhaven Press, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 2 Feb. 2022. Originally published as "US Supreme Court Takes Up Contraceptive Coverage Guarantee,", 26 Nov. 2013.

This citation is against my statements.

Scheidler, Eric. "Teens Should Not Have Access to IUDs." Birth Control, edited by Jack Lasky, Greenhaven Press, 2016. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 27 Jan. 2022. Originally published as "Four Reasons the AAP Is Wrong to Push IUD, Implants for Teen Girls,", 30 Sept. 2014.

This citation is in company of my statements.  

Weizmann, Nitzan. "The Birth Control Coverage Mandate Does Not Violate Religious Freedom and Increases Women's Access to Care." Women's Health, edited by Lynn M. Zott, Greenhaven Press, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 2 Feb. 2022. Originally published as "Women's Access to Contraception Does Not Violate Employers' Religious Freedom,", 1 Mar. 2012.

This citation is against my statements.

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