Validity of Goethe's Statement | Teen Ink

Validity of Goethe's Statement

May 14, 2022
By Anonymous

Goethe, a significant German poet of the 18th century, once said, “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of being.” When you treat someone as though they are worthless, they begin to feel that way themselves.However, when you treat a person with respect, they soon will believe that they are worthy of that feeling. Everyone is affected by the words and actions by those around them, whether in school, at home, or by a friend. 

The way you treat a person helps to shape them. When someone is called names and teased on, they feel less important. However, if they are treated as though they are worth something, their feelings will reflect that. Every person directly influences everyone around them. This is why I try my best to treat everyone with respect rather than contempt. Although it may not make a difference to me, it could influence much more in their life. Even when you are joking around with your friends, insults should be kept to a minimum. Even though you may mean it as a joke, the offense could injure them and their perception of themselves. 

One place where this quote should be the top priority is in the classroom and at school. Teachers should always treat their students as though they will do great things. How a teacher treats their students in school stays with the student forever. It determines if they decide to go to college, what job they will apply to, and what they do after high school. A beneficial teacher is one that lifts students up. This can help to inspire their students, encouraging them to be successful later on in life. However, when teachers don’t allow their students to see their full potential, they miss out on many opportunities as they get older. In my high school experience, I have had many teachers who pushed me to see my full potential and become the best version of myself I could be. However, if I had a worse experience, I might not be college-bound. I know that others have not been given this opportunity and I wish for all teachers to keep this in mind. 

Another place in which this quote should be applied is in families. The opinions of your family are often a significant thing in many people’s lives. When parents tell their child that they won’t make it and that they are pointless, they will begin to believe that about themselves. Nevertheless, if a family encourages their child to be the best they can strive to be, they will try their hardest to become it. 

Conclusively, I believe that the quote by Goethe can be adapted into everyday living. This quote is something to live by with friends, at school, and around family. Although some people may not think so, the others around them are affected by the things they do and the words they say, so try to be friendly and support them as best as possible.

The author's comments:

Hi. I wrote this piece in my AP English class and wanted to share it. :)

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