Pros and Cons of Global Warming | Teen Ink

Pros and Cons of Global Warming

May 30, 2022
By AndrewWachira BRONZE, Nairobi, Other
AndrewWachira BRONZE, Nairobi, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My topic is global warming. Many climate experts say we have nine years left, until 2030, before we begin to hit a tipping point from which there may be no return. People noticed global warming in the 1950s, and in 1988 it became a real problem. Each decade has become hotter than the one before. Climate change has a similar effect, which also has pros to it. In the short term, farmers in some regions may benefit from the earlier onset of spring and a more extended warm season suitable for growing crops. Man-made activities that release things like carbon dioxide are not that big of an impact. It's almost as if you were to put one drop of water onto a truck that can hold thousands of gallons. It is not a big enough impact to affect the current conditions of the climate. Most of the issues, like burning coal, were used for ages. Climate change may affect weather in a wrong but also good way too.

Some places need to be heated, which uses a lot of energy. If the earth were to get warmer, this would lessen or even eliminate the need to use power for heating. Because the planet is getting hotter, in the future, places like the Arctic, Antarctic, and Siberia will have a chance to grow more plants and have milder temperatures. One good thing about ice and snow melting is that there will be more land for agriculture. When glaciers melt, it turns out that when glaciers form, they accumulate particles and dust that contain essential nutrients like iron, on which all living things depend for survival. "As glaciers melt, they add nutrients to the ocean and fertilize the local ecosystem." (Brown).

They are a lot more cons to global warming. If the air gets polluted, people get sick easier. It can cause things like lung disease and lung development. There is a higher risk of developing asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). This can also cause long term damage to people's nerves, brain, kidneys, liver and other organs. Some scientists suspect air pollutants cause congenital disabilities. The rise in greenhouse gasses will make places like America and Europe have a lot more severe winters. Cold temperatures cause your blood vessels to constrict, shallow breathing, and a slight thickening of the blood. The body is not good at fighting a virus when the air is cold and enters the nose and upper airways, so viruses like the common cold, flu and COVID-19 spread more effortless in the winter. This also means with extreme winters, the same happens with summer. Glaciers/ice will melt and add a lot more water to the seaside. WhenAlso, when certain areas get warm, other unwanted diseases can come in, such as malaria or the West Nile virus, including a lot more allergies. When the heat levels rise, it will be hard for animals to survive. Most of the water they need will be gone, which will wipe out many animals we rely on. In more rural areas, this will be a massive problem because both animals and water are in a shortage.

Some two-sided problems would be that plants can grow better with higher carbon levels, and they become a lot more drought-tolerant. This is a good and bad thing because weeds and many invasive plant species will thrive in a warmer world, including insects that are pests.

After researching and doing all this research, I think that there are more negatives than positives to global warming. Cons, The cons will have a more significant impact on the world. Most of the pros of global warming have a short-term effect. For the cons, the complete opposite is true. Overall global warming is not a good thing. It affects everyone negatively and only some people in a good way. I found a lot of long-lasting problems, including what would happen to the ozone layer that protects everyone. Without it there, we could not survive, and global warming causes it to get damaged.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my 8th-grade project.

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