Peace | Teen Ink


January 1, 2023
By Anonymous

Having wandered long enough I sat down to enjoy the sunrise. The slight breeze felt good on this spring morning.

Time was weird here and had rules that differed from when someone was alive. I can pick and choose what day the weather will be, what the season is, and much more. I can choose who I see and talk to, that's what's nice about being inside your own head. 

That is why I was confused to have a young boy appear before me, one who I didn’t believe to have known in my life. He was maybe 6 or 7 with brown hair and brown eyes; he even had freckles that matched mine. I hadn’t chosen to see this person so I got up from the hill and walked over to him and asked who he was and why he was there. He looked at me and that's when I noticed the boy had tears in his eyes. He told me that he is lost. 

I still was beyond confused but the more I spoke to the boy and he told me about him I knew what had happened. This boy was the person who was born the day I died, whenever he died another person was born. I felt it, and so did he.

The boy took a seat next to me and we talked for a long, long time. It may have been days, months or even years. It didn’t matter here and the boy understood that. We could go on adventures together if we wanted, it was heaven. I simply don’t understand why I haven’t met people before me. I can do anything, even make them up if I want.

It is my mind after all. Now I speak to you, reader. This is part of my mind in real time, real life. I took pieces and thoughts to formulate this piece. I may have had ideas in mind for emotions I wanted to cause or reactions the reader may have but I bet you didn’t have the ones I had in mind. That’s what is special about the mind, each person has got one. Each person has a different perspective on different things. I believe that to be a miracle on its own.

I believe that is the most beautiful thing ever. However, that's just what I think.

The author's comments:

I wish I could here what people think.

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